Ten Fiction Books to Read When You’re Stoned – Cannabis | weed | marijuana
These may not be the “top ten,” but read these ten fiction books when you’re stoned. Cannabis and reading have a long history together. While some find it difficult to focus on a set or two for more than a minute, others find it difficult not to combine these two activities.
Consider how expressive the images in your head become when you’re stoned. It’s one of the most remarkable properties of cannabis: enhancing the vibrancy and detail of your mind’s eye.
So if you can focus on the words (or follow an audio book), grab that joint, pipe, vape, or edible. However you consume cannabis, here is a list of ten books to read when stoned.
Ten Fiction Books to Read When You’re Stoned
10 – Never Go Back by Lee Child
High on our list is an easy-to-read thriller from cannabis connoisseur Lee Child. In Never Go Back, former Army Cop Jack Reacher attempts to clear his name of false accusations. If this storyline sounds familiar, Hollywood adapted to the big screen in 2016 with Tom Cruise.
Forget the movie. The cliché is true: the book is better. A thousand times better. The dialogue is snappy and the narration is like a pulse. Jack Reacher argues through the conspiracy with his heightened senses and introspective thoughts – as if he were stoned.
Is it surprising that author Lee Child uses cannabis as a creative muscle? In the first few pages, you can almost feel the effects of cannabis as the Reacher character describes his hotel room and an approaching city car.
9 – Misery by Stephen King
Choosing a Stephen King novel is difficult for two reasons. There are so many good ones (The Shining, Pet Cemetery, and 11/22/63 are all good runners-up). But a lot of good ones have horrible endings (IT, The Stand, Under the Dome). King is known for psychological horror (and his embarrassing Twitter feed), but “deus ex machina” should be at the top of his resume.
However, King doesn’t botch every ending he has. And in “Misery” he leaves the reader satisfied. Whether or not you’ve seen the film (one of the good adaptations of King’s work and a decent film in its own right), this book is still worth picking up.
The psychological depths of captivity and obsession, the tense, claustrophobic atmosphere – coupled with some cannabis – is one hell of an experience. If you’re like me, you read the whole book in one go and go to bed at 2 a.m. because you can’t put it down.
Fiction books to read when stoned
8—VALIS by Philip K Dick
Is it possible to read VALIS without brain-altering substances? It doesn’t even appear that Philip K. Dick wrote this soberly.
In VALIS, Dick embarks on a startling exploration of reality, identity and divine revelation. It deals with complex topics and philosophical questions. If you’re not reading while stoned, consider pondering the ideas presented in this book after taking a few hits from your joint.
A little cannabis can go a long way in expanding the metaphysical journey of this novel. I’ve read it myself several times, and every time I read it I find something new. As for the plot… well, it’s probably best if you start smoking and reading. See how far you can get.
7 – Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
For a club not to be talked about, everyone seems to be aware of it. At least the film with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. There are few differences between the book and the film, but if you’re a fan you should still check out the source material.
Like the film, Fight Club takes readers on a wild ride satirizing consumer culture and societal rebellion. Cannabis can strengthen your connection to the raw emotions and underlying messages of the story. Or you can enjoy the superficial violence and drama.
Whatever your interest, if you enjoy the film, you owe it to yourself to read Palahniuk’s book. (Although we also recommend Invisible Monsters and Choke).
6 – Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
A list of books to read while stoned requires dread. That’s not an option. When I started this list, Fear and Loathing came up at number 6. As if someone else copied and pasted it.
Seriously, the characters in this book smoke cannabis. You’ll feel too much like a spectator not to join in the fun.
Also, this book is a rollicking adventure through Las Vegas in search of the American Dream while high, stoned, drunk and on almost every drug there is.
If you only smoke cannabis you will look like a lightweight compared to the two main characters of this story. Remember the very first line of the novel: “We were somewhere near Barstow on the edge of the desert when drugs started to take hold.”
Oh wait, Roman? Fiction? Maybe this book doesn’t belong in this list as this adventure happened more or less in real life.
Fiction books to read when stoned
5 – Factotum by Charles Bukowski
If you’re not a big fan of poetry, smoke this joint and drink some Charles Bukowski. Try On the Hustle, Law, Bluebird, The Laughing Heart, or The Genius of the Crowd. See if he convinces you.
But for novels? While “Post Office” or “Women” gets all the praise, “Factotum” might be his most identifiable work. The novel offers a dark, unfiltered glimpse into the fictional version of the writer’s life as he travels the country working various side jobs for low wages.
Bukowski is a notorious drinker and not a fan of cannabis, so Bukowski’s work might not be on your radar. But it’s worth reading if you like a realistic, bleak look at America’s working class. While some may shy away from a novel that lacks a coherent beginning, middle, or ending, this book rewards the journey rather than the destination.
4 – The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein
If you love cannabis and science fiction and haven’t read Robert Heinlein, where have you been?! Heinlein, a 20th-century science fiction writer, is steeped in political intrigue and social criticism in his works. This list was a dispute between Moon and Stranger in a Strange Land.
In the end, however, we chose Moon primarily because it is a futuristic tale of revolution and freedom set against the backdrop of lunar colonization.
“Moon” is the epitome of a libertarian science fiction novel. One of the characters is a “rational anarchist” whose philosophy should resonate with every cannabis user who’s lived under Prohibition (well, all of us, in other words).
I am free no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; If I find them too disgusting, I break them. I am free because I know I alone am morally responsible for whatever I do.
Fiction books to read when stoned
3 – Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
When I was young and just out of public school, like most Canadians, I was fairly left-leaning. This is one of the main reasons governments like to monopolize education. It goes back to the Prussian example of taking children away from their parents and teaching them to love the state.
So how could I free myself from the state cult? Did I visit impoverished Cuba thinking I was entering a socialist paradise? Partially.
Did you see how the big, corrupt banks were bailed out with taxpayers’ money in 2008? Also yes.
But the journey really began in the summer after I graduated high school and read Catch-22. This book is not considered a satirical masterpiece for nothing. The novel’s dark humor and non-linear narrative pair well with the thought-provoking effects of cannabis.
Catch-22 humorously explores the paradoxes of human existence. It also satirizes bureaucracy and war. It’s undoubtedly one of the best books to read when stoned. Hell, it’s one of the best books ever.
2 – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
If you haven’t read this while stoned, what are you waiting for? If you need an audio book, look no further than Stephen Fry’s hilarious short story.
This whimsical and satirical tale of space travel offers absurdity and philosophical reflection that pairs well with cannabis. The book encourages the reader to embrace his sense of wonder and innocence.
From whimsical characters to existential considerations, combining hitchhiker with cannabis is sure to create a mind-bending experience as big as the cosmos itself.
Best fiction book to read while stoned
1 – The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
If this book wasn’t number one, you would have every right to send me angry emails and death threats. I don’t think I’ve ever read this trilogy without cannabis. I am not sure if you are allowed to do this.
Sure, this novel contains unconventional narratives and eccentric characters (with some characters becoming others midway through the first novel). There’s also sex, violence, adventure, lost ancient history, and quips about political philosophies.
But don’t let the strangeness put you off and don’t let the same page read again for 30 minutes. Just go with the flow.
It’s a big trilogy with big ideas. You don’t have to memorize every page. Just consume some cannabis and let the authors immerse you in a complex tale of mystery and intrigue, complete with offbeat thought patterns and conspiracies.
As for the plot, it’s about a detective investigating the Illuminati. That’s all you need to know. Now read it!
Ten Fiction Books to Read When You’re Stoned
These are ten books of fiction to read when stoned. Are these the ten best fiction books of all time? Of course not. I wouldn’t even call Never Go Back the best Reacher book or Factotum the best by Bukowski.
But are these books pure, fun, and entertaining reading to enjoy with some THC cannabis? You bet.
Also, reading is relaxing. Feeling a little anxious? Stressed? Or maybe just bored with what’s on Netflix.
Take a break. Light the bowl and relax with one of these books. You will not regret it.
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