summer injury? Medical Marijuana Might Help!
Summer is here and it’s time to enjoy nature! Picnicking, boating, biking, hiking, swimming – all great activities. Take a walk around the neighborhood, participate in pickle ball tournaments, or just throw a barbecue. All part of the summer fun. However, the researchers concluded that individuals are at a higher risk of injury during these months due to the increase in daylight hours and popular outdoor activities.
So maybe medical marijuana can help when things get a little trickier in the summer.
Photo by Christopher Jolly via Unsplash
Cannabis can especially help with pain. When medical marijuana is used, cannabinoid receptors in your ECS bind to cannabinoids called THC. THC binds to cannabinoid receptors and triggers an anti-inflammatory response that helps prevent inflammation and muscle spasms after an injury.
Patients state that marijuana allows them to resume their previous activities without feeling completely alienated and disinterested. Marijuana is said to be a fantastic muscle relaxant and people swear by its ability to relieve the tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease.
In the case of deep injuries, medical marijuana will hardly help, since it has no way of reaching the point of pain.
RELATED: Pickle ball season is upon us — you might want some cannabis or CBD nearby
For direct injury treatment, remember to apply it directly to the muscle area. Topicals, balms or creams are rich cannabinoid-infused products designed for use on sore and sore muscles. Be sure to read the label carefully. Depending on their formulation, some THC topicals might induce psychoactive effects, while most don’t.
As with tinctures, vaporizers can also be used to deliver high-THC cannabis to your entire system, and are a gentle and effective way to treat aches, strains, and muscle aches.
Photo by roundroat via rawpixel
For twisted backs, ankles, hands, and other joint areas, consider the bigger picture. Follow your doctor’s advice and recommendations for managing sprains. They recommend heat, ice, and a few days of bed rest. Some recommend prescription pain relievers, but be warned: narcotics are powerful and addictive. Medical marijuana can be a viable alternative to edibles, e-cigarettes, or oils. It can make recovery much faster.
RELATED: Does Medical Marijuana Get You High?
Soak up the sun, enjoy the summer and make sure you have some cannabis with you in case something goes wrong.
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