Stupid ways weed can kill you

Man swallows bag of marijuana after being pulled over for speeding, Ohio State Trooper saves him from choking to death on it. from PublicFreakout

It is common knowledge that cannabis is one of the safest recreational drugs in the world.

That is not to say that it is “risk free” as polarizing politicians would have us believe, but compared to other legal substances, cannabis is far more harmless than the most commonly used drug in the world – COFFEE!

In fact, there are thousands of cases of overdose related to caffeine every year due to its presence in energy drinks and so on. Some of these people die.

When it comes to cannabis, however, there is not a single fatal overdose attributed to the plant (through consumption).

But as you’ll see in this article, there are other ways marijuana can kill you too.

Choking on a bag of marijuana!

While this may sound inherently “memish”, the truth of the matter is that recently someone nearly choked on a bag of weed.

I’m talking about THIS VIDEO making its rounds on Reddit where we see dash cam footage of an Ohio cop stopping someone for speeding.

The 72-second video shows the police officer standing next to a stopped car and talking to a shirtless driver who appears to be in need. You don’t see that at the beginning, of course, but as soon as the driver gets out of the car and the officer begins to do the Heimlich menu on the man – everything clicks!

“This guy is going to choke!”

But what do you ask? Well, not really, considering that this article is titled “Dumb Ways Weed Can Kill You!” wearing.

Yeah, the guy choked on a bag of weed!

Fortunately, the officer managed to save the “brother” s life and then arrested him for an offense. The officer said blatantly: “Do you want to die of an administrative offense?”

Dumbass or Dumbass Laws!

As in any situation, this story has several facets. Some people rightly point out that the guy was driving 20 mph over the speed limit. He would still get a ticket.

Not wearing a shirt while driving wasn’t one of the smartest decisions either. This immediately put him in a situation where he looked suspicious.

This could very well have been one of the reasons the driver thought it was “a smart idea” to swallow a bag of weed.

But what motivated him to do so? If it was a closed six-pack of beer, the driver wouldn’t have tried chugging all the beers when the cop stopped him.

On the contrary, the six-pack could sit in the front of the vehicle (unopened) and he is fine. In some states you have to have the alcohol in the trunk so that you might get a fine – but that’s about it!

However, since it is “MARIJUANA”, the driver felt the urge to swallow a bag of weed, as the legal consequences of cannabis are usually more serious than those of alcohol. The driver may not have known that getting caught with weed was a state offense.

If the driver felt that grass was going to cause them “a lot of trouble”, their motivations became less “stupid” and “more desperate”.

Interestingly, Desperate and Dumb fall on the same spectrum.

That a plant can make life much more difficult – and until recently even been imprisoned for life – can still understand the desperate measures people take to avoid getting caught.

If the driver managed to swallow the sip and then cough up later, he would be considered an “underground hero.” Maybe not what we deserve, but definitely what Ohio had to offer us today.

However, his failed attempt to hide one of the safest recreational drugs known to mankind only exemplifies the idiocy of the ban.

What if it booted up?

Well, now you’re just guessing. But to be honest, the chances of the driver getting stoned are pretty high.

In this case, I am all in favor of him being arrested for speeding and a DUI, especially if he was impaired.

But then we enter the territory of “was it compromised” which then leads to “we have no way to test it” which then leads to further speculation.

He was driving too fast – that’s a fact. Otherwise, however, it’s just a guess for us, and that’s why I’m not going to continue down this rabbit hole.

As for driving under the influence, however, I believe these people should be punished if they are caught by the police.

Whether you smoke weed or drink liquor, getting behind the wheel of more than a ton of metal while intoxicated is irresponsible and dangerous.

Legalizing weed doesn’t mean common sense is going out the window. In fact, we need more common sense laws in this world; many of the “rules” by which we live were created in a completely different time.

The sticky end result

We could all laugh at the guy who choked on a bag of weed – mostly because it’s full of humor. But once the giggles stop and we start thinking clearly, we should realize that it’s not just the fact that this man thought it was a smart idea to swallow weed …

… the law has conditioned his behavior in such a way that he thinks it is a good idea. Like it or not, politics in society shapes society, and this man’s response to authority over weed stems from decades of conditioning by Uncle Sam.

Maybe it’s time to end the madness by repealing the CSA entirely? Legalizing cannabis is just the tip of the iceberg, we need to get all drugs out of the clutches of greedy corporations.

And when it comes to hiding weed, your anus is usually a better hole than your mouth when you need to hide it.

You are not breathing out of your asshole!







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