Study Shows Women Who Use Marijuana Feel Better…

Marijuana and sex, especially when it comes to women, tend to have a positive relationship. Numerous studies have shown that the drug can help some people have better orgasms, feel more relaxed, and have a stronger bond with their partners.

A study published in the journal Sexual Medicine collected data from over 400 women who regularly used marijuana and found that frequent cannabis use was associated with higher arousal, better orgasms, and more overall sexual satisfaction.

“Our results show that increasing frequency of cannabis use is associated with improved sexual function and is associated with increased satisfaction, orgasm and sexual desire,” the study authors said.

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Photo by Priscilla Du Preez via Unsplash

Researchers contacted women who responded to an invitation from cannabis retail stores and asked them to complete a Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), a survey assessing sexual activity in the past four weeks. The test implies that the higher the score, the higher the sexual function, with low scores indicating low sexual function. To obtain results, researchers compared each participant’s level of cannabis use with their FSFI score.

Women who used cannabis more frequently reported better sexual function in various aspects of their sex lives, from better orgasms to higher levels of arousal. A subset of these women also reported less pain during sex, which has also been confirmed in other studies on cannabis use and sexuality.

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While there are some negative links between sex and male arousal, for women the drug appears to make them feel less anxious and more relaxed, which translates into a more positive sexual experience. Researchers haven’t yet clarified the connection between cannabis and sex, but a growing body of evidence suggests that there is something there and that it’s worth investigating.

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