Study: 1 in 10 US veterans has used cannabis in the past year

While the United States has seen immense strides over the years in reforming cannabis laws and reshaping public opinion about the drug, the continuing lack of state legalization and regulation is evident, particularly in regards to its impact on groups like veterans.

Canada, which has legal cannabis nationwide, introduced the Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Medicinal Cannabis Reimbursement Policy, allowing eligible veterans reimbursement of up to three grams per day. The VAC specifically set a fixed rate of up to $8.50 per gram ingested in dried cannabis or its equivalent in fresh cannabis or oil.

In the US, VA providers are permitted to discuss cannabis use with veterans, but due to the drug’s federal Schedule I status, VA clinicians cannot recommend or cover medicinal cannabis. Of course, with increasing research into the potential benefits of cannabis in relation to conditions affecting veterans, such as PTSD or pain relief, it’s clear that US veterans are still turning to this plant medicine for help, with or without support the VA.

New insights into cannabis use by veterans

A new survey conducted by two researchers from the University of North Texas and the University of Illinois provides further insight into the amount of US military veterans using cannabis. In an assessment of cannabis trends among a nationally representative cohort of more than 16,000 veterans from 2013 to 2019, the survey estimated that one in 10 veterans reported having used cannabis in the past year.

The data were published in the journal Substance Use & Misuse.

“The legal landscape surrounding marijuana use in the United States (US) is constantly changing,” researchers wrote. “Although extensive research has examined the risk factors of use in various population groups, there is much to be learned from veteran populations who are at increased risk for mental and physical health problems that marijuana use can trigger or alleviate.”

The survey used data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, which comprised a total of 16,350 veterans aged 18 and older. The researchers tested for weighted linear and quadratic trends in use over the past year and found a significant increase (56%) in total cannabis use from 2013 to 2019, with nearly one in ten veterans (9.79%) reporting cannabis use in the past year .

Broader implications for veterans and cannabis accessibility

The researchers also found that older veterans, or those aged 35 or older, were more likely to report medicinal cannabis use in the past year than the 18- to 25-year-old veterans age group. A minority of respondents to the study acknowledged that they received approval from a healthcare provider to use cannabis, likely because of a federal law that prohibits providers affiliated with the Department of Veterans Affairs from making recommendations, even in states where medicinal cannabis is already legal.

“This increase, coupled with federal restrictions on VA providers, has implications for issues of care coordination and safe care for veterans,” the researchers concluded. “Given the rapidly changing and heterogeneous landscape of recreational and medical marijuana policy in the United States, the present study may inform harm reduction efforts and behavioral interventions.”

The authors address this point, noting that the results, in the context of current federal policy, indicate the need for “enhanced care coordination” among those who may benefit from cannabis use but cannot access it through the VA.

The researchers also note that additional research is needed to better understand veterans’ cannabis use in the context of federal VA restrictions, “including examining how veterans obtain marijuana, the impact it has on their care coordination and health outcomes.” , and whether or not marijuana may play a role in reducing other drug use and drug-related harm among veterans.”

Another recent poll by Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), a group representing more than 400,000 veterans, found that 83% of IAVA veterinarians supported legal access to medical cannabis and 55% supported legalization for recreational use. Additionally, 89% said they would be interested in using cannabis if it was available to them.

While the question of access to medical cannabis lingers, the VA is already moving forward to research psychedelics: A number of VA clinicians are already conducting studies specifically exploring the potential of psychedelics-assisted therapy for people in need.

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