Star signs and cannabis strains: October 2022 horoscopes
If you’re reading this, you managed to make it through six planets in retrograde last month, Stargazers. You are probably busy licking your wounds and asking yourself, “Do I even want to look up at that devilish night sky this month?”
Well, there is good news, and … there is less good news. Let’s start with the positives! Major players Mercury and Venus are almost back on direct course. Mercury will remain in its slowed dance for a couple of days at the start of the month, and then it will return to direct motion.
The bad news is that Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all in retrograde at some point during the month (or all of it). So drink some Gatorade, block your ex’s socials, and don’t send your boss that passive-aggressive email when they tell you they didn’t get the report you sent four times.
Apart from the retrograde superstorm, on October 9, there will be a full moon in Aries. Mercury enters Libra on October 10, and there is a new moon in Scorpio on October 25. The month will be full of unpredictable ups and downs, but that’s what the spookiest month of the year is for, right?
Your October horoscope
(Savina Monet for Leafly)
Hello and Happy Birthday to you Libra babies! This month is jam-packed with planetary motion, so be prepared to become everyone’s favorite sounding board. On October 2, Mercury returns to direct motion in Virgo. Lower your shoulders and do a few gentle stretches to clear that tension your body has been holding the past few weeks. In other good news, your ruler—Venus—is in direct motion this entire month meaning that the love department is looking solid this October.
That said, Venus does enter Scorpio on October 23 (which is also when we start Scorpio season), so if you aren’t a fan of getting real deep real fast … maybe hold off on any new romantic entanglements for a few weeks. On October 25, there is a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio. This is a fantastic lunation that will offer you the opportunity to welcome the fall season with open arms (if you haven’t already). Sure, this might be the spookiest month of the year, but with your warm and inviting spirit, the ghouls and goblins are bound to love you.
October strain: Remember your favorite costume as a kid? Get nostalgic for those simpler times with some Fall ‘97. This hybrid comes from crossing Purple Uriel and OG Kush. This is royal lineage, and you can tell with the gorgeous buds it produces and the thick, fruity flavor. Users love this strain for its arousing effects.
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(Scorpio by Savina Monet for Leafly)
Happy Birthday, Scorpios! This is truly your season. We’re sharing our intimate feelings! Going boldly where no one has gone before! Being ride or die for our true friends! On October 2, Mercury returns to direct motion in dependable Virgo. You can come out of hiding now. Don’t waste your celebratory month hiding in the shadow of (checks notes) SIX retrogrades.
On October 8, one of your rulers (Pluto) goes direct in Capricorn. This is a little bit of an unpredictable combo, so don’t be afraid to lean into some strange and exciting new opportunities. On October 9, there is a full moon in Aries. Make room for passion because there will be a lot of it (especially where friends are concerned).
We officially enter Scorpio season on October 23, and the month wraps up with Mars (your other ruler) going retrograde in Gemini. Woof! Okay, so there might be a few bumps in the road towards the end of October. Don’t let that slow you down. Invest in the friends that invest in you, let people spoil you, and above all … get a little weird this month. It’s your time to shine.
October strain: Spread your wings, Scorpio, even if you have to do it in the dark. Gain some insights into yourself with a little help from Batgirl. This hybrid has a respectable 19% THC and a sweet, fruity scent profile. Users often find this strain to be both euphoric and relaxing. The effects are cerebral at first and then add weight to the eyelids.
(Savina Monet for Leafly)
Happy October, Sagittariuses! Eesh, how about those retrogrades, hu? Are you still holding tension in your neck and shoulders? Do your best to rest set body and soul at the beginning of the month with Mercury’s return to forward motion in Virgo on October 2. Take this much-needed break to assess the damage and come up with a plan of action to get you back on the right track.
Unfortunately your ruler Jupiter is in retrograde this entire month. Be wary of trusting every gut instinct you have while dear Jupiter slows its wheels. Be cautious with your investments and who you spend the most time with. On October 8, Pluto goes direct in Capricorn. Finally, old heartaches start to fade into the background. There is a full moon in Aries on Oct 9—a good time for taking risks in your art and creative endeavors.
On October 27, Jupiter returns to Pisces. Be ready to defend yourself against baseless character attacks. Don’t worry— it’s them, not you. Spend the rest of the month balancing alone time with the need for social interaction. Carve out at least one day a week for a digital detox. You’ll be thankful for the space to think.
October strain: Halloween candy for adults? Sounds like an October win. Pack a bowl of Pink Candy Kush for a delightfully smooth, yet powerful buzz. This strain packs some heat with 22% THC. Don’t sign up to run any marathons after you’ve had a bowl of this stuff. Users report this strain tastes a little like lemonade and settles nicely between the eyes.
(Savina Monet for Leafly)
Boo, Capricorns! Are you ready for some astrology that goes bump in the night? Don’t be too scared, after all, you lived through last month (hopefully relatively unscathed). On October 2, Mercury kisses its retrograde goodbye in Virgo. At last, stability is yours for the taking. Friends will be more predictable, and work will feel less tumultuous. Unfortunately, Saturn (your ruler) continues its retrograde for much of the month, only returning to direct motion in Aquarius on Oct 22. Don’t sleep on this opportunity to share your hard-earned wisdom with someone who needs it.
On October 23, we start Scorpio season. Mystery! Intrigue! It’s all there for you to put a positive (or negative) spin on it. Scorpios are wonderfully deep people, so consider taking a page from their book and letting your guard down with someone you trust. Venus also enters Scorpio on October 23. Lovers and romantic interests will be a little more mercurial than usual, but you should come out the other side with a better understanding of one another.
Lastly, Mars goes retrograde in Gemini on October 30. Buckle up because this duo can leave you feeling socially drained.
October strain: Goblins and ghouls, oh my! Fortunately for you, this month you can make acquaintances with a friendly Green Goblin. This sativa has a mild 14% THC, but don’t let that fool you—it’s a hard-hitting strain. Users love it for its dreamy effects that pair well with an afternoon spent doing your favorite cerebral activity.
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(Savina Monet for Leafly)
Happy Spooky Season, Aquariuses! You made it through a tornado of September retrogrades, and unfortunately, the fun continues in that department this month.
Mercury returns to direct motion in Virgo on Oct 2. So, things start off on a smoother surface. Pluto also goes direct in Capricorn on October 8. Use the lessons you learned last month to sketch out your goals for the rest of the year (or revisit any previous goals you made). On October 9, there is a full moon in Aries. Confidence abounds, but be cautious not to come off as cocky.
Unfortunately, Uranus (your ruler) continues its backward dance this month. Expect things to remain relatively stagnate this month in virtually every part of your life. It’s a good time to invest in comfort and security. Do what you can to make your living space more calming.
Finally, look out because, on October 30, Mars goes retrograde in Gemini. Don’t expect to get much done at the end of the month. People will be more interested in bending your ear than making meaningful plans. Carve out space for yourself, and you will more than survive the month.
October strain: What’s autumn without a little Frankenstein? This is an indica strain that packs a moderate 17% THC and 1% CBG. It’s a delightful little indica that has a mysterious lineage, and users report that, despite the moderate THC level this is a powerful strain that shouldn’t be underestimated.
(Savina Monet for Leafly)
It’s the spookiest month of the year, Pisces. The bad news is that part of that spook factor might be due to the continuation of all these retrogrades. Fortunately, we get a break early on when Mercury returns to direct motion in reliable Virgo on October 2. You can resume making plans and taking risks; just know there are still quite a few planets that have slowed their spin this month.
For instance, Neptune (your ruler) is in retrograde this whole month. Things might feel slightly off-center. Maybe you’re misplacing things more often or forgetting appointments. Be sure to leave yourself notes and reminders to help you get through the month.
On October 22, Saturn returns to direct motion in sensitive Aquarius. Hopefully, any hurt feelings you’ve acquired will start to subside around this time. We begin Scorpio season on Oct 23. Things will probably get deep with the people you love—don’t worry, that can be a good thing! There is a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25. This is a stellar lunation that allows us to consider our closest alliances and how they influence our goals and dreams. Be the friend you needed in your worst hour, and you’ll be grateful for the investment of your time and energy.
October strain: Embrace your spooky spirit this month, Pisces. It might help to pack a bowl of Monster OG to get into the mood. This hybrid can clock in at 26% THC, so users beware that this is indeed a monster strain. Users love his strain as a little bedtime treat.
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(Savina Monet for Leafly)
Boo, Aries! Yeah, this month is full of frights—some of them celestial—but you’re tough, and you can handle it. Mercury gives us tender mercy by going direct in Virgo on October 2. Deep breaths in and out as you recalibrate those expectations and goals that were thrown for a loop last month.
On October 9, there is a full moon in your sign. Your leadership capabilities will become lucrative around this time. Don’t shy away from what you’re good at.
On October 25, there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in cunning Scorpio. Don’t turn your back on anyone that has been treating you as less than this month. What’s the expression? Do no harm, but take no shit. Finally, your ruler Mars wraps up the month with a bang by going retrograde on October 30. Spend wisely. Heck, freeze that credit card in a ziplock bag and chuck it in the back of the freezer if you need to.
October strain: Start spooking up your month with a little Ghost OG. This is a hybrid strain with a respectable 19% THC makeup. Users report this strain is great for getting cerebral/firing up the creative part of the brain. It’s got a gorgeous citrus scent profile, and it is also great for knocking out those daily aches and pains that creep up around the joints.
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(Savina Monet for Leafly)
Happy October, you spooktacular Bulls! There is a lot going on this month, so you will want to tap into your Taurean self-care powers as soon as the clock strikes midnight on October 1. Things start with Mercury returning to direct motion on October 2. Even better, your ruler Venus is in direct motion this month as well. Okay, okay, okay maybe you’ll be able to breathe a little after all!
On October 9, there is a full moon in Aries. Prepare to experience a spiritual growth spurt of sorts. Do some journaling, meditation, or breath work. Whatever feels right to you. On October 23, Venus enters Scorpio. Romance will become unpredictable and jarring. Ignore any Tinder messages that don’t meet your rigorous standards.
On October 30, Mars begins its long retrograde in Gemini. Don’t expect anyone in your personal circle or at work to feel particularly inspired to action. Make the best of the situation by recovering from all of this star action. Take care of yourself and eat some candy.
October strain: Hopefully the scariest part of your month will be your Pumpkin Spice Latte bill. If not, you can count on a little Ghost Train Haze to ease your troubles. This sativa packs a moderate 18% THC and 2% CBG. It’s got citrus notes and boosting effects. Medical users report this strain is great for wiping out pain, depression, and appetite loss. Though, users with anxiety should probably skip this strain.
(Savina Monet for Leafly)
Are you stocking up on party favors this month Gemini? You should. People are going to need your gregarious spirit. On October 2, Mercury (your ruler) returns to direct motion in stable Virgo. Make the most of this tender little mercy by re-establishing your weekly routine. Get back into meal prep if that’s your thing, or meditation if that’s how you like to start your mornings. Reconnect with whatever practice feels good to you.
On October 8, sweet little Pluto leaves its retrograde in expressive Capricorn. Be real with the people you love. It’s been a hard year in a hard decade. Don’t hide your struggles for other peoples’ comfort. On October 9, there is a full moon in Aries. There are plenty of ways to express boldness. Consider a twist on your usual uniform—add a splash of color and you’ll attract the kind of people that make life interesting.
October strain: It’s the month of ghosts and ghouls, but don’t let any exes that fit that description come back into your life this month. Tap into your otherworldly powers with some Purple Demon. Users report this strain hits fast and its buds are absolutely stunning.
(Savina Monet for Leafly)
Fall is well underway now, Cancer. Last month’s retrograde stew has spilled over this month, but that doesn’t mean you won’t make the most of it. On October 2, Mercury returns to direct motion in sweet, stable Virgo. Make the most of this consolation prize from the universe by returning to center—whatever center looks like to you. And don’t be afraid to invest a little money in self-care this month.
On October 8, Pluto returns to direct motion in colorful Capricorn. Be expressive, even if it is uncomfortable at first. Make others take notice of you. On October 9, there is a full moon in Aries. There is a theme developing for you this month: boldness. Don’t be afraid to let that interior light that is so bright, shine through the curtains.
On October 25, there is a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio. What an exciting time for a sign ruled by the moon. Be ready for it with a burn journal or some other talisman of letting go. You can make it through this month with a little help from the stars, some killer weed, and enough Halloween candy to fill a swimming pool.
October strain: Crisp nights call for a good soup and some Cornbread. Cornbread is an indica with a whopping 22% THC. So, don’t plan on submitting your thesis after smoking a bowl of this stuff. Cornbread offers a perfume-y scent profile and sedating effects. Users love it as a nightcap.
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(Savina Monet for Leafly)
Are you ready for another spooky month, Leo? Maybe don’t answer that just yet. On October 2, the stars cut us all a little slack by returning Mercury to forward motion in Virgo. This is a nice pairing that will bring balance and stability to virtually every corner of your life.
On October 9, there is a full moon in Aries followed quickly by Mercury entering Libra on Oct 10. If you feel a sudden burst of social energy, this is why. Try taking on new adventures with old friends in the second week of the month. Your ruler enters Scorpio on October 23, and we officially begin Scorpio season. If things start to feel a little rough around the edges, just remember that this month has a lot going on, celestially speaking. Maybe lean into the mystery of things a little? See where it takes you.
October strain: Your shine is magical, Leo. Tap into your powers with a little Witches Weed. This is a calming hybrid that users love for its creative effects and for the ability to stay on task after smoking a bowl.
(Savina Monet for Leafly)
Howdy and Happy Halloween, Virgo! Whatever holiday you choose to celebrate this month (or not), just remember that life offers a lot of spark and a little magic if you know where to look for it. Things start out solid this month with Mercury (your ruler) returning to direct motion in your sign on October 2. That hectic, frenetic energy that has been a constant companion these past few weeks will start to simmer in the caldron a little. But, don’t get complacent.
On October 8, Pluto leaves its retrograde in Capricorn, which can be both a relief and a little bit painful as you do the soul searching this celestial pairing often brings to the table. On October 9, there is a full moon in Aries. Throw on a pair of horns! Show them who is boss this month. We enter Scorpio season on October 23. Scorpios are always here to remind us to be honest with ourselves—you’ll have to embrace the messy parts of you if you truly want to change.
Finally, Mars enters its long retrograde in Gemini on October 30. What a way to round out the month. People will be favoring pleasure over planning at the end of October, so don’t expect to complete any big projects. Remember, embrace the mess!
October strain: Get ready to be B-Witched by this magical time of year. B-Witched is a hybrid strain with 19% THC and a spicy flavor. Get your candy corn out because this strain is famous for its appetite-stimulating effects.
Check out last month’s horoscopes.
Maeva Considine
Maeva Considine is an award-winning journalist and author of “Cat Zodiac: An Astrological Guide to the Feline Mystique.” She’s a Taurus who loves traveling, canceling plans, and dessert. She lives in Syracuse, New York.
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