Star signs and cannabis strains: May 2021 horoscopes
Happy Taurus season to all of you Bulls out there! May is an exciting month where the stars are concerned. The month kicks off with Mercury entering Gemini on May 3. Then Venus also enters Gemini on May 8. This is a powerhouse combination.
Many feel balanced and amendable when Mercury is in Gemini and a little fun and mischievous when Venus enters into Gemini. Most people will be downright charming at the beginning of this month.
There’s a new moon in Taurus on May 11. Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone during this time. Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13, a lucky time indeed! Gemini Season begins on May 20, and the full moon/lunar eclipse is in Sagittarius on May 26. Don’t get too invested in any new relationships made at the end of the month. Otherwise, most of you Zodiac babes should enjoy a May full of indulgence and power … just like a Taurus would recommend!
Your May Horoscope
Happy Bull Season and Happy Birthday, Taurus! This is truly your month, as the stars are aligning. On May 3, things kick off with Mercury in Gemini. This is an exciting pairing that should drum up a ton of creative energy for you. On May 8, your ruler Venus is in Gemini. Speaking of Venus, you can enjoy a month of direct motion for this ruling planet of yours. That means where love is concerned things should remain pretty balanced and communication should be clear.
There is a full moon and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26. You should feel a deep sense of purpose at the end of the month. Hold fast to what you’ve been planning and don’t deviate too far from the path you’ve chosen. Mercury is in direct motion much of the month, which is also exciting news. However, it does go retrograde on May 29. Don’t let this throw you off your hard-earned balance. This is a month for leaning into who you truly are, Taurus!
May strain: It’s your season, Bull, so celebrate with some Birthday Cake. This hybrid is 20 percent THC and offers strong body effects with a candy-like flavor. Users report this is a deeply relaxing strain. Kick back and enjoy!
Happy Spring, Gem! This Taurus season should offer you a mix of balance and adventure. Things kick off with your ruler, Mercury, entering into Gemini on May 3. This should offer a delightful and welcomed burst of clear and concise communication in your most important relationships.
On May 8, Venus also enters into Gemini. If you’re hit by the sudden desire to finally write that novel, don’t be surprised. This is a highly creative pairing. But that creative energy won’t last forever, so dive in and grab it while you can. There is a new moon in Taurus on May 11. Don’t be afraid to speak up if something minor has been grinding your gears at work. You might be surprised to find that there are others feeling the same way.
The month rounds off with a full moon and lunar eclipse on May 26 in Sagittarius, and Mercury enters into its backward stride on May 29. Take care of yourself first and foremost at the end of the month, Gemini. Keep your gaze forward and this month should be successful for you!
May strain: Take the edge off with something sweet this month. Smarties is a hybrid strain with a lemony, terpene profile. Users report this is a great everyday strain that offers happy, mellowing effects.
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Happy May, Cancer! This is an exciting month for your ruler, that gorgeous moon. But first, the month kicks off with Mercury entering into Gemini on May 3.
Spicy, playful energy with a mix of clear and concise communication will abound at the beginning of May. Then, there’s the new moon in Taurus on May 11. This is a stable pairing and things should be pretty smooth under that beautiful, dark sky.
On May 13, Jupiter enters Pisces for a sprinkling of upbeat attitude and you might even experience some particularly vivid dreams. There is a full moon and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26. This is a great time to evaluate your long-term goals and your five-year plan. You might feel a surge of creativity, or the urge to follow through on a project you abandoned months ago. Lean into this energy and you should have a very successful month!
May strain: If you’re looking for an immersive experience this month, pack a bowl of Gas Mask. Gas Mask is an indica strain with a pungent aroma that really lives up to its name. The profile features a little bit of fuel and a little bit of lemon. Users report this bud is cerebral and really takes the edge off.
Happy May, Leo! May is a great month to be a lion. Things start on May 3, with Mercury entering Gemini. This is a very balanced pairing and you should enjoy some very clear, direct communication coming from your inner circle and from coworkers.
On May 8, Venus enters Gemini as well. This is a more creative, flighty pairing but it should bring you some much needed levity to your personal life. On May 11, there is a new moon in Taurus. Under that gorgeous, dark sky you’ll find yourself craving some extra stability.
Your ruler the Sun enters Gemini on May 20, and we begin Twin season. Wisdom and adaptability will be at an all-time high. On May 26, there is a full moon and a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, and on May 29, Mercury goes retrograde. Buckle up for a wild and fun May, Lion!
May strain: Wash yourself clean of any bad vibes this month, at least mentally, with a strain like The Soap. This is a 24 percent THC sativa-dominant hybrid. Users report it smells like a number of things, but mostly pungent. The Soap offers euphoric effects that hit the mind and body equally.
It’s Bull Season, Virgo! This month will feature a little bit of everything for you. It starts with your ruler, Mercury, entering Gemini on May 3. This offers you an abundance of balance and clear communication in your closest relationships. On May 8, Venus also enters Gemini. This is a sweet and quirky pairing, with lots of witty humor and charm to go around.
Back to Mercury for a moment, your ruler will be in direct motion almost the entire month of May. Capitalize on this by making sure you’re aligning your values with the goals you’ve set. Are you doing what you said you would? On May 26, there is a full moon and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. The month will round out with the desire for alignment. Set yourself up for success this month and the summer should be smooth sailing, Virgo.
May strain: If you’re a fan of old-school strains, Skunk Hero should be right up your alley. This is a hybrid strain that harkens back to the days of old-school Skunk cultivation. As a cross between Super Skunk and Mandarin Sunset, this bud has some pedigree lineage. It’s a heady strain with whiffs of citrus. Users report that while it boasts a lower THC percentage, the euphoric effects hit heavy and hard.
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Happy May, Libra! May is shaping up to be an inspiring month for you. Everything kicks off with Mercury entering into Gemini on May 3. Venus also enters into Gemini on May 8. All of this action in a fellow air sign like Gemini should have you feeling extra at-home in your own skin.
On May 11, there is a new moon in Taurus which should also unlock feelings of security and stability in your relationships and professional life. Jupiter enters into Pisces on May 13 and Saturn goes retrograde on May 23. The middle of the month might feel a little emotionally disjointed, but don’t panic—it will sort itself out quickly. On May 26, there is a full moon and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius.
Finish May strong by recommitting to your goals and aligning what you say with what you mean. You’re going to be unstoppable this month, Libra!
May strain: Prioritize comfort this month by packing a bowl with a strain like Sweet Tea. This sativa-dominant hybrid offers a truly sweet, fruity profile, and medical patients report that it’s incredibly helpful for symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.
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It’s Taurus Season, Scorpio! Water signs like yourself will feel a pull towards stability in this month full of Earth-sign energy. On May 3, Mercury enters Gemini. This pairing should unlock clear and frequent communication in your most cherished personal relationships. On May 8, your ruler, Venus, also enters Gemini. Don’t be surprised if you’re feeling extra fun and flirty the second week of the month.
Speaking of Venus, your ruler is in direct motion this month which bodes well for romantic relationships. On May 26, there is a full moon and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. There is no better time to align your values with your actions. Speak the truth to your friends and coworkers. Watch your relationships deepen and flourish—you’ve got big things ahead this spring, Scorpio!
May strain: Toke on something a little more uplifting this month, like Gold Leaf. This is a rarer indica strain, but if you can track it down it’s more than worth the effort. Users report that one puff can put them in the mood to be creative. If you’re struggling with some artist blockers, this is a great strain to help you get fired up again.
Are you feeling all of this Bull energy, Sagittarius? Taurus season should feature a little bit of push and a little bit of pull for a fire sign like yourself. On May 8, Venus enters Gemini. Embrace the flirty and fun energy this should unlock for you. Communication should be clear and concise between you and your closest confidants.
On May 13, your ruler, Jupiter, enters into water sign Pisces. Jupiter is right at home in Pisces, and you can capitalize on this pairing by stepping outside your comfort zone and trying something new with a few close friends. Take a new trail or start a new project.
On May 26, there is a full moon and lunar eclipse in your sign. This will offer some incredible alignment to you if you’re willing to reach out and take it. This is the perfect time to align your words with your actions. Be honest with yourself above all and you should flourish this month, Sag!
May strain: This month calls for something … potent. If you’re ready for an adventure, get yourself some Tuna Kush. While the name might seem innocent enough, Tuna Kush is a legendary strain and perhaps one of the most potent available on the North American market. Users report that this strain has a pungent, skunky smell, and that it packs some true heat.
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Happy May, Cap! This month features a lot of Earth-sign energy just for you! But to start, on May 3, Mercury enters into airy Gemini for a dose of charm and good communication. On May 8, Venus enters into Gemini, and on May 11, there is a new moon in Taurus. This should unlock some much-needed clarity and balance where your professional life is concerned.
On May 26, there is a full moon and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. There is no better time to reevaluation how you’ve been working towards your long-term goals. Are you doing all of the things you’d said you do? Are you prioritizing your health and well-being? If the answer is “No” to these questions, it’s not too late to correct course! Mercury enters into retrograde on May 29, but other than that bit of chaos, you should have a fairly smooth month, Cap!
May strain: It’s almost summertime! Celebrate that landmark by packing yourself a bowl of Peaches and Cream. This is a hybrid strain with a flavor that absolutely matches the name. Users report immediate cerebral effects that eventually simmer into a mellow, creative buzz.
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May is here, Aquarius! All of this Earth-sign energy is great for an adaptable, dependable zodiac babe such as yourself. On May 3, Mercury enters into fellow airy sign Gemini. This should unlock a long-dormant, flirty side to you. Enjoy the boost of charming energy the beginning of the month brings. Communication will be clear and wide open for you.
On May 11, there is a new moon in Taurus. Recommit to your goals if you’ve been feeling little torn, especially if there’s been turmoil in your professional life. On May 23, Saturn (your ruler) goes into retrograde. It’s probably best that you don’t commit to any new projects at the end of the month. Stay the course and you should feel balanced and whole the entire month of May.
Things wrap up with a full moon and lunar eclipse on May 26 in Sagittarius. Not only will this make the night sky luminescent and gorgeous, but you should also find yourself in near-total balance. Lean in and enjoy the ride, Aquarius!
May strain: You’re magical, Aquarius. So, why not pack yourself a bowl of something mystical like Blissful Wizard? This hybrid strain is potent thanks to its pedigree lineage (Girl Scout Cookies and Captain’s Cookies). It’s got creamy, citrus flavors and users report that it hits fast and strong.
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Happy Spring, Pisces! This month might having you feeling a little out of your depth at times thanks to all of the earthy energy out there in May. It’s all going to be just fine if you stretch yourself just ever so slightly. On May 8, Venus enters into airy Gemini. There will be plenty of direct, clear communication in your personal relationships. Your mood should also be chipper, too.
On May 13, your ruler enters into your sign! This alignment makes most water signs feel especially sage. Don’t be surprised if you have people knocking on your door for your wisdom and advice. Be the kind of friend that shows up. Your relationships will flourish in the middle of the month if you do. People might be a little more direct than you’re used to, and it may be hard not to take this personally (it really isn’t personal). Lean into this discomfort and you’ll find there is plenty for you to learn still.
There is a full moon and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26. There will be no better time to recommit to the things you promised you’d do for yourself this year. Clean your living space, discover a new hiking trail, or do something entirely for your own benefit. This is a month of new discoveries, Pisces!
May strain: If you’re looking to indulge in something extra sweet this month, look no further than a bowl of Grape God. This is an indica-dominant strain with a sweet, grape aroma and long-last effects that users report is great for mellowing out after a stressful day.
Happy May, Aries! While Ram season might be behind us, Bull season has some equally exciting prospects. Your ruler, Mars, is in direct motion this month, so things should be smooth where finances are concerned. Mercury’s appearance in Gemini on May 3 will offer a sense of peace and stability that you’ve been craving .
The new moon in Taurus on May 11 might shake things up a bit for you. Don’t be shocked if some curveballs are thrown your way at work. While you’re a natural born leader, don’t be afraid to take any sage advice offered in the middle of the month.
There is a full moon and an eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26. This is a great time to do some evaluation of your five-year plan. There will be an abundance of clarity and purpose thanks to all of this exciting lunar activity.
May strain: Try something a little new and a little rare this month, like Afternoon Delight. This is a hybrid strain that can be difficult to track down, but the effort is worth it. Afternoon Delight is an indica-dominant bud that has balanced effects on both mind and body. Users report this is a strain for true professional stoners.
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Check out last month’s horoscopes.
Maeva Considine
Maeva Considine is an award-winning journalist and author of “Cat Zodiac: An Astrological Guide to the Feline Mystique.” She’s a Taurus who loves traveling, canceling plans, and dessert. She lives in Syracuse, New York.
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