Star signs and cannabis strains: July 2024 horoscopes

Welcome to July, Stargazers, and happy Cancer season. Sunny days ahead! This is a time to nurture ourselves and delve fully into our emotional depths. The moon resets its cycle, creating an excellent opportunity for new intentions and embracing a fresh start. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet evening under the stars or reflecting with a bit of your favorite weed, this month encourages intentional self-care and emotional well-being.

As the sun moves through Cancer, you’ll experience a greater focus on home and family. This period is perfect for strengthening bonds with loved ones and working to create a peaceful, cozy environment. Take some time to find pleasure in even the simplest of plans, like a relaxed day at home or a soothing walk in nature. The reset of the lunar cycle also encourages us to revisit any personal goals and make gentle adjustments as needed.


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Finally, July invites you to be kind to yourself and embrace the flow of life. With the calming influence of Cancer, stress releases its hold and moments of tranquility will come your way all the more smoothly. Whether through meditation, a favorite hobby, or a mindful cannabis session, allow yourself to unwind and recharge. Embrace the chill and nurturing energy of this season under The Crab, and you’ll find a renewed sense of peace and clarity.

Your July horoscope



Happy birthday Crabs! This month sizzles with profound transformation and emotional enrichment. The sun shines in your sign, amplifying your wonderful qualities of empathy, intuition, and nurturing. This is a powerful time for self-reflection and personal growth. You may feel a strong urge to prioritize your well-being and address any lingering emotional issues.

The supportive aspects of Mercury and Venus will enhance communication skills and social charm, making it easier to express your feelings and strengthen bonds. Embrace this period to reconnect with loved ones and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

As the month progresses, focus shifts towards financial and professional spheres. The full moon will illuminate your eighth house of shared resources and transformation, encouraging you to reassess your financial partnerships and investments. Take this fervent time to collaborate with others and explore new ways to enhance your financial security.


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Be mindful of any power dynamics in your relationships and strive for balance and fairness. On a personal level, this period may also bring profound insights and a deeper understanding of your desires and motivations. By the end of July, you may feel more empowered and in control of your destiny, ready to embrace the next chapter of your journey with confidence and determination.

July strain: Hey Cancer! July is your month to unwind and embrace self-care; you deserve luxurious flavors and feelings, and Papaya Cake is just the strain to help you do that. With its calming and relaxing effects, Papaya Cake will help melt away your stress and anxiety, aligning perfectly with your need for emotional balance and tranquility this month​​. Its sweet tropical flavors of papaya, mango, and apricot will add a delightful touch to your relaxation routine, making every moment of downtime feel like a mini-vacation​​.



For Leo, July is a month of introspection and preparation for new beginnings. The month begins with a reflective state, as the sun, your ruling planet, moves through your twelfth house of solitude and inner growth. This is a time to look inward, address any unresolved issues, and recharge your spiritual and emotional batteries. You might feel more withdrawn than usual, preferring quiet contemplation to socializing. Use this period to meditate, journal, or engage in other activities that nurture your soul. Tie up loose ends with old projects and clear the way for new endeavors.

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As the month progresses and the sun moves into your sign on July 23, you’ll feel a surge of energy and confidence. Embrace the shine and take the lead in your life. Your charisma and natural leadership qualities will feel prismatic, making it an excellent time to start new projects, set goals, and pursue your passions. Socially, you will attract positive attention and support from others. By the end of July, you are likely to feel more aligned with your true self and ready to embrace the future with optimism and vigor.

July strain: Hey Leo! July is your time to shine, and indulge in your decadent tastes. Hawaiian Snowcone is the perfect strain to keep your energy high and your spirits even higher. With its uplifting and talkative effects, this hybrid will keep you happy and engaged, just what you need for all the social gatherings and adventures coming your way​. Plus, its tropical citrus flavor is like microdosing the beach in every puff, helping you stay refreshed and ready to conquer whatever the month throws at you​.



For Virgo, July is a month of social connection and goal-oriented progress. The beginning of the month surges with the energy of Mercury, your ruling planet, moving through your eleventh house of friendships and social networks. This is an excellent time for collaborating with others, joining new groups, and expanding your social circle. Your analytical skills and practical approach won’t go unnoticed in team settings. You may also find yourself drawn to humanitarian causes and community activities, where you can make a meaningful impact. Embrace these opportunities to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones.

As the month progresses, the focus shifts towards your personal aspirations and career goals. The New Moon will illuminate your tenth house of career and public life, providing a fresh start or a new perspective on your professional path. This is a powerful time to set new goals, take on leadership roles, or pursue advancements in your career. You might receive recognition for your hard work and dedication, boosting your confidence and motivating you to aim higher. Financially, this period looks stable, but remember to stay organized and avoid unnecessary risks. By the end of July, you will likely feel more focused and determined, ready to take on new challenges and make significant strides towards your long-term ambitions.

July strain: Hey Virgo! July is all about embracing creativity and finding your zen, and celebrating your affinity for making permanent changes. So, Permanent Marker (our 2023 SOTY!) is the perfect strain to help you do just that. Known for its euphoric and creative effects, this potent hybrid will keep your mind focused and your stress at bay, aligning perfectly with your horoscope’s call for balance and inspiration this month. Plus, its unique flavor profile of soapy funk with hints of candy and floral gas will make every session a delightful escape​​.



For Libra, July is a month of professional growth and personal development. The first half of the month emphasizes your career and public life, as the Sun illuminates your tenth house of ambition and status. This period is ideal for setting new professional goals, seeking promotions, or launching new projects. Your natural diplomatic skills and charm will be particularly effective in navigating workplace dynamics and building alliances. You might receive recognition for your efforts, boosting your confidence and motivating you to aim higher. However, a sustainable balance of your professional ambitions with self-care to avoid burnout.

As the month progresses, the focus shifts to your social life and personal relationships. The New Moon brings fresh energy to your eleventh house of friendships and social networks, encouraging you to connect with like-minded individuals and expand your social circle. This is a great time for collaborative efforts and community involvement. You may find yourself drawn to group activities or causes that resonate with your values, offering opportunities for both personal fulfillment and broader impact.

Financially, this period looks stable, but it’s wise to manage your resources carefully and avoid impulsive spending. By the end of July, you are likely to feel more balanced and connected, ready to embrace new opportunities and deepen your relationships with those around you.

July strain: Hey Libra! July is a month for finding balance and embracing creativity, making the best compromise possible for a delicious future. It follows that Strawberries and Cream is the perfect strain to complement your vibe this month. This balanced hybrid will uplift your spirits and keep you focused and creative, making it ideal for navigating the social and artistic opportunities that lie ahead this month​. With its delicious strawberry and vanilla flavors, a relaxing yet energizing experience that helps manage stress and anxiety​​ will settle over you.


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For Scorpio, July is a month of expansive opportunities and deep introspection. The early part of the month takes influence from the sun’s presence in your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and spiritual growth. This period is excellent for broadening your horizons through education, travel, or philosophical exploration. Embrace the urge to seek out new experiences and knowledge that enrich your understanding of the world. Don’t shy away from opportunities to step out of your comfort zone, as this can lead to significant personal growth and fresh perspectives. Engaging in activities that stimulate your mind and spirit will be particularly rewarding during this time.

As the month progresses, the focus shifts towards your professional and public life. The full moon highlights your fourth house of home and family, urging you to find a balance between your career aspirations and personal responsibilities. This is a good time to address any issues on the home front and ensure that your domestic life supports your professional goals.

You may also experience a heightened sense of intuition and emotional depth, helping you to navigate complex situations with greater clarity and empathy. Financially, the latter part of July looks promising, with potential gains from past investments or career advancements. By the end of the month, you are likely to feel more grounded and in control, ready to integrate your new insights into both your personal and professional life.

July strain: Hey Scorpio! July is all about harnessing your intense energy and diving deep into creative projects. To help find clarity among the clouds, Kali Mist rises to complement your vibe this month. Known for its clear-headed, energetic, and creative effects, Kali Mist will help you stay focused and productive, aligning perfectly with your horoscope’s emphasis on creativity and adventure​. Plus, its spicy herbal flavors with hints of mint and tea make every session a refreshing experience.



Get ready, Sagittarius, July is a month of personal transformation and deeper connections. The beginning of the month brings a focus on your eighth house of shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. This is a powerful time for introspection and addressing underlying issues in personal and financial spheres. You may find yourself drawn to deep, meaningful conversations and experiences that challenge your perspective. Embrace this period as an opportunity for emotional and psychological growth. While you’re at it, review your joint financial ventures, investments, and debts to ensure everything is in order.

As the month progresses, the energy shifts towards your signature affinities for exploration and adventure. The new moon illuminates your ninth house of travel, higher learning, and spirituality, encouraging you to expand your horizons. This is a perfect time to embark on a journey, whether it’s a physical trip or educational pursuit. Your natural curiosity and love for adventure will guide you in exploring new cultures, philosophies, or areas of study. Professionally, this period can also bring opportunities for growth and advancement, particularly if you are open to learning new skills or taking on new challenges. The end of July brings a sense of rejuvenation and inspiration, ready to apply your new insights to your daily life and future plans.

July strain: Hey Sagittarius! July is all about embracing your adventurous spirit and connecting with your inner energy. We know you have a need for speed, so Hell Cat is the perfect strain to keep you uplifted and focused, matching your horoscope’s call for enthusiasm and creativity. With its talkative and euphoric effects, Hell Cat will help you stay engaged and motivated, making it ideal for both social events and personal projects this month​.



For Capricorn, July is a month of partnership focus and personal evolution. The beginning of the month highlights your seventh house of relationships, bringing attention to both personal and professional partnerships. This is an excellent time to strengthen existing bonds and address unresolved issues with loved ones or business associates via open and honest communication. You may also encounter new opportunities for collaboration or people who can significantly impact your personal or professional life. Embrace these interactions with a collaborative attitude, as they can lead to mutual growth and benefit.

As the month progresses, the emphasis shifts towards transformation and financial matters. The full moon illuminates your second house of personal values and finances, prompting you to reassess your financial strategies and material goals. This is a good time to focus on budgeting, saving, and informed decisions about investments.

You may find yourself more introspective, reflecting on what truly matters to you and how your resources align with your long-term aspirations. On a personal level, this period encourages deep self-examination and transformation–shed old patterns and embrace new ways of being. By the end of July, you are likely to feel more grounded and empowered, ready to move forward with a clearer sense of purpose and direction.

July strain: Hey Capricorn! July is all about embracing your ambitious nature and staying energized for the challenges ahead. Your keen tastes will appreciate Sour Tangie, the perfect strain to keep you uplifted and focused while tackling tasks with a smile. With its creative and elevating buzz, this sativa-dominant hybrid will keep your spirits high and your mind sharp, perfectly aligning with your horoscope’s call for productivity and enthusiasm this month​​. It also tastes like a tart glass of orange juice!



July is a month of productivity and health for Aquarius. The early month sees the sun illuminating your sixth house of daily routines, work, and wellness. This is an excellent time to streamline your daily habits, improve your work efficiency, and prioritize your physical health; this can manifest in organizing your workspace, implementing a new fitness regimen, or adopting new eating habits. Pay attention to the details and take a disciplined approach to your tasks, as this will yield significant benefits. 

As the month progresses, the focus shifts to your relationships and personal interactions. The new moon highlights your seventh house of partnerships, encouraging investment and energy into your closest relationships. This is a period for deepening connections with your partner, friends, and business associates. Open communication and a willingness to understand others’ perspectives will be crucial in strengthening these bonds.

You might also encounter opportunities for new partnerships or collaborations that can bring fresh energy into your life. The end of July, will have you feeling more balanced and harmoniously connected in both your personal and professional relationships.

July strain: Hey Aquarius! July is all about expanding your horizons and embracing new experiences, in a way only your independent streak can create. You love a twist in life, so A La Mode is the perfect strain to elevate your journey. With its euphoric and uplifting effects, A La Mode will keep you feeling creative and energized, perfectly aligning with your horoscope’s emphasis on exploration and social connections this month. Enjoy its creamy cookie aroma and fruity, cereal milk flavor as you venture through your summer adventures​.

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For Pisces, July is a month of creativity and romance. The beginning of the month brings the Sun into your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, and love, amplifying your artistic talents and passion for life. This is an ideal time to engage in creative projects, whether through art, music, writing, or any other form of self-expression. Your romantic life is also likely to flourish, with opportunities for new love or deepening existing relationships. Allow yourself to embrace joy and spontaneity, and don’t be afraid to take risks in expressing your feelings and ideas. Your natural intuition and empathy will guide you towards fulfilling and heartfelt experiences.

As the month progresses, the focus shifts towards work and health. The new moon will highlight your sixth house of daily routines, wellness, and service, urging you to establish healthier habits and improve your productivity. Make time to reassess your work-life balance and consider necessary adjustments to ensure your well-being. You may find new ways to enhance your efficiency at work or discover a renewed sense of purpose in your daily tasks. By the end of July, you’ll likely feel energized and ready to tackle your responsibilities with a clear mind and a positive outlook.

July strain: Hey Pisces! July is a month for embracing your imaginative and dreamy nature, and Mango Haze is the perfect strain to fuel your creativity and energy. This sativa-dominant hybrid provides energy and positive vibes couched in a tropical, tangy palate to keep you inspired and motivated throughout your summer adventures. Enjoy its mix of herbal and fruity aromas and flavor as you explore new ideas and let your creativity flow​.



In July Aries individuals are primed for a period of dynamic energy and growth. The beginning of the month brings opportunities for new ventures and projects, thanks to the favorable alignment of Mars, your ruling planet. This is a great time to focus on career advancements and personal goals. Your enthusiasm and determination will be high, making it easier to overcome obstacles and push forward. You have a knack for getting carried away, so keep an eye on overextending yourself, as the intense energy could lead to burnout if not managed properly. Remember to balance your ambitions with self-care and relaxation.

The latter half of July may bring some introspective moments, especially around the New Moon, which will illuminate your fourth house of home and family. This is an excellent time to reconnect with your roots and nurture your relationships. Issues that have been simmering under the surface might come up, providing a chance for resolution and healing. Financially, this period looks stable, but try to avoid impulsive expenditures. Focus on building a solid foundation for the future, both emotionally and materially. By the end of the month, you’ll likely feel more balanced and prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

July strain: Hey Aries! July is all about embracing relaxation and winding down after all that hustle—and we know you attack your goals with double, or even triple focus. So Triple Burger, with its potent THC and calming effects, is the perfect accoutrement to help you de-stress and find that zen you’re craving this month. This indica strain will soothe your stress, pain, and insomnia, making it ideal for those cozy, chill summer nights.



For Taurus, July has plenty of personal growth and financial focus in store. The first half of the month, marked by your ruling planet, Venus, enhances your charm and social appeal. This is a favorable time for networking and building relationships, both personally and professionally. You may find your communication skills particularly effective, helping you to articulate your ideas and persuade others. Career-wise, there could be opportunities for advancement or recognition for your hard work. Stay grounded and avoid overindulgence, as Venus can sometimes encourage a tendency towards luxury and excess.

As the month progresses, the influence of the full moon will bring attention to your finances. This period is ideal for reassessing your budget, investments, and long-term financial goals. You might discover new ways to increase your income or make more efficient use of your resources. On a personal level, this is also a time to address any lingering insecurities or self-worth issues, as they can undermine your financial decisions. Focusing on your inner values and building a sense of security will equip you to handle external financial matters. The end of the month promises a sense of stability and accomplishment, setting a strong foundation for future endeavors.

July strain: Hey Taurus! July is all about grounding yourself and finding inner balance, and for indulging in a little treat. What better way to complement your grounded vibe and rich tastes than with Wagyu? Wagyu will help you relax and enjoy the little pleasures in life, perfectly aligning with the steady and sensual energy of Taurus this month. Its balanced hybrid nature and unique flavors make it an ideal companion for those cozy summer evenings​.



For Gemini, July promises intellectual stimulation and social engagement. The early part of the month sees Mercury, your ruling planet, catalyzing your communication skills and curiosity. This is an excellent time for learning new things, engaging in creative projects, and expanding your social circle. You may find yourself drawn to new experiences and ideas, so embrace the travel bud or that itch for a new hobby. Your natural wit and charm will be at their peak, allowing you to navigate social situations with ease and make a lasting impression on others.

As the month progresses, the focus shifts towards your personal relationships and emotional well-being. The new moon highlights your second house of values and possessions, prompting you to reassess what truly matters to you. This can be a transformative time where you let go of superficial attachments and focus on building deeper, more meaningful connections. Financially, take the time to review your spending habits and make necessary adjustments for long-term stability. The latter part of July may bring some introspective moments, encouraging you to find a balance between your external achievements and inner peace. By the end of the month, you are likely to feel more aligned with your true self and ready to pursue your goals with renewed clarity and purpose.

July strain: Hey Gemini! July is all about harnessing your energy and creativity, and balancing sweet moments with the sour. Tangie is the perfect match for your vibrant spirit this month. Known for its uplifting and energetic effects, Tangie will help you stay motivated and focused, making it ideal for tackling new projects and adventures​. Its citrusy, tangerine aroma will keep you feeling refreshed and inspired, perfectly complementing the dynamic vibes of your July horoscope​.

Check out last month’s horoscopes.

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