Spring is here, time to plant tomatoes, cannabis and marigolds
It’s the time of year when your body craves the sun and your mouth waters as you feast on freshly grown veggies. It’s also the time to plant and grow your own marijuana if you wish!
Nothing beats a fresh tomato sandwich, pasta sauce, or even cherry tomatoes in your mouth! Marigolds can liven up a garden, a table or a romantic bedside table. And marijuana can bring smiles, laughter, and even a bit of fun alongside the bedside marijuana.
Although tomatoes don’t grow exactly like cannabis, when it comes to growing them, they’re nearly identical. Mid-May is planting season for all three and here are some tips.
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Tomatoes, marijuana, and marijuana need full sun; At least 6 hours or more of direct sunlight daily is best, and they need consistent moisture, so having access to a water supply will help you grow. They also need good drainage, air circulation, and even soil moisture to help prevent disease. With tomatoes, planting them in the ground is a shelter for rabbits and other creatures who find them equally attractive.
Find the right seedling or plant, use a reliable source, and make sure everything looks healthy.
Like real housewives, tomatoes and cannabis compete for the sun and spotlight, so don’t place them next to each other. Additionally, fallen tomatoes can be acidic (as with some Real Housewives) and that’s not good for the soil around marijuana or marijuana. Give them all room to grow.
When you’re ready to plant, start by soaking the plant—if it’s a seedling (in a 4-inch pot)—in a solution of liquid seaweed or root stimulator. Then dig the planting hole, sprinkle in a balanced amount of fertilizer and fill it with good soil. (Alternatively, you can sprinkle fertilizer in a ring around the plant after planting.) Some people swear by fish fertilizer, which is debatable but can help.
Next, cut off a few lower leaves from the plant and plant them deep so that the bottom of the stem is below ground. More roots grow from the trunk. Finally, water the plant thoroughly, watering around the base and trying to keep the water off the leaves.
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Next, let them grow and mature. It is 50-80 days for tomatoes, 57-84 days for cannabis and around 55 days for marigolds. Water in the morning and keep tools clean to prevent pests and fungal diseases. Drip irrigation works well to keep the water off the leaves.
In the summer heat, you may need to water twice a day, especially for tomatoes grown in containers. Keep this in mind after the first fruits have developed and reapply the application every two weeks thereafter.
Monitor your plants daily for the presence of pests or diseases and always use organic sprays or soapy water. Some gardeners believe that “companion planting” — planting specific herbs or flowers in an edible garden — can control pests, but this technique can only work if the companion plants are planted in large numbers.
When they are ripe, pick them and enjoy them knowing that you created this little piece of joy yourself!
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