Sorry Surgeon General – It makes sense to lock people up for marijuana use, just ask the Senate
You may have seen the headlines, “The surgeon general says there is no value in locking people up for marijuana” and thought, “Wow, that’s a progressive attitude!”
However, it is also empirically wrong.
There is value in locking people up for marijuana – the value just doesn’t apply to “The People”. It is for the government!
And if you think I’m doing nonsense – read on. I will walk you through the intrinsic value of the ban for the institutions that benefit from its existence.
What the surgeon general said …
This is the first tidbit I’ll focus on because from here we begin our journey through the bureaucratic clusterfuck known as “Prohibition”.
Here are his words in the text;
“When it comes to decriminalization, I don’t think there is any value to individuals or society in locking people up for marijuana use. I don’t think that’s anybody good … ”- Vivek Murthy, The Hill
While I agree with him from a social perspective, I disagree with him from a law enforcement, correctional, rehabilitation center, and even political class perspective.
If there was “no value” in locking people up, we would probably have stopped decades ago. Think about why we should perpetuate something that has “no value”.
We wouldn’t – which means there is some value in locking people up. We’ll go into more details below.
Murthy added, “I think if we don’t let science guide our policy-making process I will be concerned about our approach to marijuana.”
The problem with this second proposition is that science has never “steered” the process of drug policy making.
In fact, as part of the Shaffer Report, Science strongly recommended that the Nixon administration NOT ban cannabis because it was relatively benign to other legal drugs.
Science was also used as a means to perpetuate myths that still influence politics today. For example, the rhesus monkey experiments in the late 1970s were empirically wrong.
Jack Herer exposed this in his book “The Emperor Wears no Clothes” in which the scientific “methods” used were not an accurate representation of what was published in the study.
Dr. Heath forced his test monkeys to consume the smoke equivalent of over 60 cannabis joints daily through a gas mask in just 5 minutes for 3 months instead of 30 joints per day for 1 year (as he had reported).
And here we have an example for SCIENCE trend-setting policy. Science, but science nonetheless.
Locking people up has value to the political class
Right now we have shown that “Science Guidance Policy” is not always the best – we also need “Reason” and “Logic” and a “Flexibility” factor in order to make good public policy.
However, the premise of this article focuses on the intrinsic value of locking people up for cannabis. That brings us to the political class.
Right now, a group of politicians are working to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substance Act. While you think it would be a breeze to push legalization ahead with massive support for cannabis legalization, you are wrong!
Here is an excerpt from the JDSupra publication,
Legislation has a long way to go, including among Senate Democrats. Several moderate Democrats are expected to oppose the criminal justice portion of the bill. including those six Democrats who voted against a similar House-sponsored federal marijuana bill late last year. Virtually all Republicans are sure to oppose the bill, especially the ones Provisions on Extinction and Re-sentencing. Additionally, the bill is likely to be rejected and criticized by those who wish to keep marijuana legalization at the federal level as a race-neutral issue, as the bill openly seeks to “compensate color communities and the poor for the damage caused by years.” restrictive drug policy of the federal government. “- SOURCE
Oh, and let’s not forget America’s left-wing tastes – Joe “lock’m-up” Biden, President of that United States and press secretary, said, “Nothing has changed” about the president’s stance on legalization.
But why?
Why should politicians object to legalizing something that the GREAT MAJORITY of Americans want legally? Why should politicians be against the will of the people?
The answer is in the money!
The REAL VALUE of locking people up for marijuana …
When Quentin Tarantino was filming Django Unchained, he made a comment about “prohibition is the modern form of slavery” and he was not wrong.
You see, when people are “locked up” for a crime, they lose their rights. In fact, the United States’ 13th Amendment clearly states the importance of imprisoning people.
If you need a refresher, here is the 13th change;
Neither slavery nor involuntary bondage, except as punishment for a crime whose party has been duly convicted, exist within the United States or in any location under its jurisdiction.
Yes – slavery!
By locking people up for cannabis, the United States government – federal and state institutions – can exploit inmates to make goods.
The number one “prison property buyer” is … the United States government! They “pay” these slaves (prisoners) cents every hour and let them work long shifts because they have their legal right to exploit these people for manual labor.
The reason the political class does not want to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act is because it would lose much of its “free labor”.
Not to mention that most politicians – INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT – have benefited from the war on drugs. They received money from prisons, police unions, rehabilitation centers, pharmaceutical companies, etc.
Politicians know that by ending the cannabis ban they are violating the will of their customers – and they never think they are serving you … on the contrary, these guys are in the pockets of the big corporations who are using the government to exploit the planet, the people and create guidelines that limit the ability of individuals to fight power.
The sticky end result
From a social point of view, there is no value in imprisoning people – we know there is money to be made with it … why else would drug cartels have grown so big under Prohibition? How else would the police get the right to “arrest your house” because “it was drugs”?
How else could the federal government of the United States create legal slaves for their prison machine? How else would Joe Biden have made his political career and his “tough dealing with crime”?
While it’s “nice to hear” that there is no value in locking people up for cannabis – the truth is, it is worth a lot … just not to you or me!
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