Social situations with grass | LOOKAH

10 Weed Faux Pas You Should Avoid in Social Situations

Like any culture, cannabis culture has its customs. Long-time cannabis lovers have learned many of these customs through experience, trial and error, or from good friends.

While it's mostly natural to smoke weed regularly, there are still some things you should avoid doing in a social setting. In other words, you don't want to commit a weed faux pas.

Use our list of weed faux pas to avoid violating the Stoner Code. If you avoid these missteps, you'll have a good chance of being invited back for inspiration at the next group meeting.


The term Bogarting comes from the lyrics of the song “Don't Bogart me” by the American band Fraternity of Man. It means that you shouldn't take over the whole place.

You've probably heard of “Puff, Puff, Pass” or “Pass it to the left,” which essentially means the same thing. “Pass to the left” comes from another song called “Pass the Kutchie” by a British-Jamaican band called Musical Youth.

When they are younger or don't have a lot of money to spare, many people split the price of a “tenth” or “dub” of weed. Everyone contributes a little, and when a joint is rolled, it is passed around, with everyone taking two hits and passing the joint to the next person. The passing is done in one direction to ensure the weed is evenly distributed.

Bogarting is one of the most common faux pas in the cannabis world and is when someone forgets to pass the joint. It can happen unintentionally when you're drunk and your mind wanders.

Try to stay alert and take a hit or two before passing the joint to the next person so everyone has a chance. You can continue telling the story after you pass the joint.

Being a parasite

Weed wasn't always so readily available. It was common to share what you had with friends; smoking is a social activity, after all. If you can, do your part by sharing your weed when you have it. You may not always have weed with you, so it's good form to offer to share the cost of the weed. If you constantly turn up to smoke but don't contribute, you'll come across as greedy and a freeloader. Try to do as much as you can with your friends. After all, you're not just sharing a cigarette, you're sharing an experience.

Flame the bowl

There's nothing like a lit pipe to make weed lovers go wild. The idea of ​​burning all that beautiful herb will make terpene lovers scream.

When you get a freshly filled pipe, make sure you place the bowl in the corner.

To do this, carefully run the lighter along the edge of the bowl so that you only burn part of the weed. This way, the next few people in line can enjoy a delicious hit without having to deal with your half-burnt remains.

Being broken when you are sick

This was a faux pas long before COVID-19, but it is even more so now.

Nobody wants to take a joint out of the lips of someone who has just coughed and sneezed.

If you have a cold, you should probably stay home and rest your lungs, but if you have to go to a training session, at least rest your joints and avoid rotation until you feel better.

To give your lungs a break, you may also want to consider switching to an e-cigarette, edibles, or a cannabis drink.

Do not share the first hit

In cannabis culture, the motto is “sharing is caring” and everyone should enjoy a fresh joint every now and then.

Some say that the one who spins or provides the grass should go first, others believe it is nicer to share, so if you are the one who spins or provides the grass, it is nice to share the first move.

Let someone else light your joint or pipe every now and then.

It's nice to see the light in your friends' eyes when they realize that you've given them the gift of the first hit from a freshly filled pipe or hand-rolled joint.

Take care of the cherry

Pay attention to how your joints, blunts, or pipes burn, and speak up or take action if you notice something is wrong. You should always pass something smokable to the next person. Also, if you smoke a pipe, empty the chamber before passing it on. You don't want to pass on your stale, flavorless smoke.

Ash before you pass

If you smoke at a friend's house or in the car, you should knock off the ash before passing the joint. This will keep everything clean and prevent ash from spilling on the floor.

When it comes to pipe bowls, you should never pass on an ash bowl. If the herbs are all burned and you were the last person to use the pipe, clean the bowl before passing it on. It's nice to pass a fresh bowl to the next person so they can enjoy some green herbs.

No favorites

If you are in a group situation, don't necessarily give the joint to a specific person.

It is not good to break the line and mess up the rotation by playing favorites.

The general rule is to overtake from the left, so stick to that when you need to figure out who's next.

Do not plug in the lighter

Don't be a lighter thief. Always return the lighter to its owner after the session. Don't just forget it and put it in your pocket.

This may seem like a small thing, but if you have to buy new lighters often, it can get boring very quickly.

If you're standing outside, you may have nowhere to put the lighter. It's tempting to put it in your pocket for safekeeping, but don't do that. Return the lighter as soon as you're done using it.

Don’t smoke too much

Close friends often have a “make yourself at home” rule, but always remember to show your appreciation for the host’s hospitality and access to their weed.

Never smoke the rest of their weed without permission and always ask before using their paraphernalia like papers, grinders and rolling bowls.

If you're staying at a friend's house for a few days, put some money towards the weed budget or return the favor by hosting next time. Don't forget to clean up the trash and ashes when you leave!

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