So many people are allergic to orgasms (yes, orgasms!)
There is a technical term for orgasm allergies. Postorgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS) is a condition that primarily affects men, with fewer than 1,000 reported cases in the country.
Symptoms of the condition are similar to those of allergies derived from other sources, with men experiencing runny noses, itchy eyes, and even memory problems after orgasm. There is a cure, however, so all is not lost.
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The strange illness was reported in ScienceDirect, with the authors publishing their findings in the November issue of Urology Case Reports. “All symptoms occur immediately (e.g., seconds), soon (e.g., minutes), or within a few hours of coitus and/or masturbation-induced ejaculation, and/or spontaneously (e.g., during sleep)” says the article.
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The study authors reported the case of one particular subject, a 27-year-old healthy male, who first developed symptoms of POIS at the age of 18. After the orgasm, the subject broke out in hives and developed flu-like symptoms. He visited different doctors for years and found no cure. When he met with the study’s authors, he abstained from any form of sexual activity.
The man in question stated that his first allergic reaction occurred after he recovered from acute epididymitis, a condition that causes inflammation in the scrotum. Researchers theorized that the infection that caused the disease might have triggered this immune response, which has been evident over the years.
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Eventually, researchers managed to get the allergy under control by prescribing an antihistamine, which is used to treat colds, allergies, and the like. The medication along with the suggestion to increase his frequency of orgasms resulted in a 90% decrease in allergic reactions. A happy ending!
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