Smoking cannabis as a professional
Smoking cannabis as a professional
Is It Possible To Be A Insatiable Toker And A Pro? Are you “less” pro when you smoke cannabis? Stoners always have a bad reputation for being “lazy” or just plain stupid. In the media we are portrayed as listless and fleeting, as stupid as a block of wood. However, anyone who smokes cannabis regularly knows that this is simply not an applicable stereotype and we are trying to dispel here at Cannabis Life Network.
It doesn’t matter if you are a blue collar worker, clerk or no collar; Smoking CBD does not alter your mental state in such a way that it interferes with your job to the best of your knowledge. Before legalization, this was a fact that medical cannabis users tried to hammer home with. Of course, I can’t say that THC wouldn’t prevent a person from doing their job properly in every situation; it just wouldn’t be scientifically based. But I’ll say that most of the smokers knows their limits and the amount of medication they need to function.
Smoking cannabis does not affect most people’s ability to be employed. But with a few tips and tricks, you too can maintain a high level of professionalism while maintaining your lifestyle.
Sometimes this joint is the best way to get through the day
Minimize or eliminate odors
It comes first on the list because it’s one of the biggest giveaways out there. While we love that sweet skunk smell, nobody likes the smell of stale smoke. The trick is to find the balance between skunked and scented. Most offices have now implemented a no-fragrance policy, and while we all no longer soak ourselves in Ax body spray or Callagon body spray, it puts a damper on most people’s options. I tend to smoke before work while wearing a jacket or thick hoodie when it’s cold outside, and make sure to change them immediately after smoking. Summer time means I smoke before I put on my work clothes, even if I have to finish everything else first. That way I know my clothes don’t stink, and even if the perfume wore off I would still smell nice.
Wash your hands
No, this is not a health course and it should go without saying. But washing your hands with soap and water after smoking will minimize the smell of residue on your hands. It belongs to the “take care of your scent” category but is often the most overlooked. Bonus! Hand sanitizer works like a mess when it comes to getting rid of most odors. Honestly, when I smoke on a break, I practically bathe in it to reduce the smell like in a pharmacy.
Do something about that red eye.
Unless you’ve just stepped off a plane, the red-eye look isn’t fashionable. Many workplaces have no rules for smoking cannabis per se unless they test it. Nevertheless, you don’t want to present yourself to the boss with red glassy eyes. However, it is common knowledge that there are many great products in the world for eliminating red eye. At this point, I’m pretty sure that Visine is not staying in business because of contact lenses.
Make sure you know the rules.
If you are a driver or in a related company that operates heavy machinery, you cannot be a safe and reputable stoner while at work. Some professions do not smoke on or in front of work. If your business has a structure around cannabis use and use, make sure you are familiar with it in order to know what can happen. While some places really don’t care until it messes up production in the office, some go a hard line and say no.
In order to advocate the acceptance of cannabis in mainstream culture, it is our responsibility to maintain professionalism. Cannabis can help make many jobs easier or less stressful. It can increase creativity and productivity for many, but it can also affect many skills. they you know yourself and your workplace best. Sometimes the most professional thing to do is wait until after work and relax with some good tune and a doobie.
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