Should you give away healthy Halloween candy? That’s what nutritionists think

Handing out nutritious Halloween candy is one thing many adults consider, especially considering that they are likely the ones who will be holding onto those candies after the festivities. But should you expose your kids and your neighbor’s kids to your dark chocolate alternative or just hand out M & M’s and Snickers?

Healthy, sweet alternatives can be delicious, but be prepared for this change. If you offer a child popcorn or Snickers, even though popcorn is usually healthier, they can understandably be upset, especially given their expectations for Halloween and the fact that they are kids and don’t regulate their emotions as well as adults.

Making kids feel guilty about wanting candy on a candy-related date could lead to bigger problems later on, which are much more complicated than just getting on a sugar rush when the day is over.

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Photo by Conner Baker via Unsplash

The Huffington Post spoke to a few nutritionists on the subject who were mostly for regular Halloween candy. “Sugar-free or catchphrases like ‘keto’, ‘low-carb’ or ‘superfood’ don’t necessarily make sweets healthier,” says nutritionist Amanda Frankeny. “While these labels sound nutritious at face value, too much candy of any kind can lead to tooth decay and poor nutrition.”

They also talked about the importance of not pushing kids to look elsewhere for the good candy and then developing a negative relationship with food that can create a problem with long-term effects. “Eating too much candy in secret can cause abdominal pain or worse in the short term, and potentially long-term eating disorders with candy or sweet treats,” said Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, author of Better Period Food Solution.

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While some children with diabetes or blood sugar control problems may benefit from these types of low-sugar candy, the majority would be better off just getting on with their normal Halloween celebrations. When it comes to your kids and their daily candy consumption, healthier candy options can lessen their long-term harm. However, it is important to remember that candy is still candy no matter how it is packaged, and other foods, such as vegetables and grains, should always be a priority.

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