Should budtenders be encouraged to educate the public about the health effects of cannabis?

When you walk into a marijuana dispensary in the United States, you are greeted by a crew of dedicated budtenders whose job it is to sell you weed. The transaction may be similar to other retail experiences you have had over the years. You will see if they can help you find something in particular. If you’re not sure what you want, the budtender can even ask you a few questions and then make some recommendations based on your answer.

That’s one thing the cannabis industry has tried over the years: having the experience of buying legal weed is like walking into a pharmacy with a runny nose and asking what cold medications are right for this symptom. But for the most part, marijuana is not on its way to becoming medicine. It’s more on par with alcohol, a drug that’s sold to adults 21 and older in both good times and bad. Americans no longer need a medical reason to smoke marijuana these days. You can only do it because it’s fun.

Photo by Heath Korvola / Getty Images

Perhaps this was the industry’s first mistake – making cannabis is all about medicine. But that is exactly what advocates do out loud a recent report by Bloomberg. “First, they claim medical services. Then they push for more comprehensive reform. “The news source is not wrong.

Cannabis advocates have tried for decades to convince the population that marijuana can treat and / or cure various diseases. However, there is still little evidence that cannabis has widespread therapeutic value. The facility is certainly not capable of viewing the reins as the be-all and end-all of today’s civil society. But that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be legal for adult Americans to play with.

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Marijuana is an intoxicating drug that 91% of the American population believe should be legal. However, there are still many naysayers who believe that improved access will only sabotage public health. They fear that there will be an influx of illness and mental health problems as legalization spreads across the country. Therefore, groups resentful of Legal Pot believe that it is the responsibility of pharmacies in rule of law to make sure people understand what they are getting into.

But should Budtender cannabis customers really be preaching about the dangers of the pot? A new study published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs suggests that they should.

University of Washington researchers found that while budtenders were good at educating their customers about the benefits of weed, they didn’t warn them of all sorts of ills. The report shows that most budget tenders stopped telling customers about the potential dangers of marijuana products, largely because they didn’t think this was their place. “Budtender didn’t think their job was to discuss use during pregnancy, while driving, or safe storage. They prioritized customer autonomy over education on these issues and did not necessarily see these behaviors as harmful. ” The report says.

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Cannabis industry warriors argue that the drug is more about profit than the health of the American public.

Legalization is a lot of things.

One thing it isn’t is public health.

– Kevin Sabet (evKevinSabet), May 12, 2021

“Legalization is a lot of things” Kevin Sabet tweeted, President of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM). “One thing it isn’t is public health.”

But is that really a fair assessment of what is happening to legal weeds out there? Probably not. After all, adults who buy alcohol and cigarettes don’t get third degree from convenience store and liquor store clerks on how these products can cause cancer, liver damage, and car accidents. If they did, these people would likely get fired.

More legal marijuana means less crime?  Not so fastPhoto by nattrass / Getty Images

Anyone who uses these products understands that they are not necessarily good for them, but it is their freedom as taxpaying adults to smoke and drink as they see fit. Marijuana is no different. The only thing that creates an illusory distinction is that the cannabis industry has spent so much time promoting the medicinal benefits of weed that pharmacies are often viewed as pharmacies rather than liquor stores.

And while some pot shops are designed to exude that “medicinal” vibe, they still only sell marijuana. Even pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens, both of which sell alcohol and cigarettes, don’t care to educate customers about the cons of these products. Adults are responsible for their own education. Budtenders shouldn’t explain the dangers of being high any more than they should be providing medical advice.

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