Seeds or Clones – What’s the Best Way to Start Growing Weed?

The art of growing cannabis usually starts with seeds or clones. A farmer must choose one of these methods, weighing the pros and cons of each one.

Reports over the years have been mixed. Some claim that using clones is more efficient and cheaper, while using seeds, while reliable and simple, might be slow.

The next few paragraphs discuss and compare the uses of cannabis seeds and cannabis plant clones or cuttings. All so that you have the information you need to choose which of the two to start your cannabis harvest with.

Seeds and clones have unique qualities on top of each other, but neither is perfect. Both have their downsides.

The main goal of a cannabis farmer is to produce plants with cannabinoid-rich buds. This can be accomplished using either of these techniques, they just go different ways to achieve this result.

Starting with cannabis seeds

This is popular with home growers. Countries around the world implementing cannabis reforms are making recommended seeds available and legal for purchase. Here the farmer sows a selected variety of hemp seeds. These seeds must always have a high germination rate. Experienced farmers say that the best seeds are reliable, easy and accessible, so far a trusted seed bank has been contacted. The seed growing method is popularly considered to be the purest way to start a weed farm. There is this deep satisfaction a farmer feels when it is time to reap the harvest. Some of the benefits of starting your cannabis farm with seeds are:


Seeds are readily available from registered cannabis dispensaries in cannabis-legal states. The internet has also improved the way things are done. Cannabis seeds can now be ordered online from established seed banks with online stores.

Seed banks such as Royal Queen Seeds discreetly ship packages of cannabis to customers who have placed online orders. This means that a person can order from the comfort of their own home and also receive their packages without going outside, other than receiving the sent package in the mailbox. It is perfectly legal to order, own, and collect these cannabis seeds in various states in the country.

New batch of genetics

Starting with seeds means that your result will contain new packages of DNA that may make them more resistant to pests and diseases. In time, you will master the delicate art of properly growing cannabis from seeds. Some experienced growers go further by growing their favorite female strains with a precious male so that by the end of each growing season they have thousands of new seeds.

High quality feminized seeds

When you start with seeds, you have the option of purchasing high quality feminized seeds that produce very horny buds. The result is a sticky, cannabinoid-rich bud that is the envy of other farmers.

The ability to choose feminized seeds saves the grower a lot of time that would have been spent on eliminating male and hermetic plants.

The disadvantages of starting your cannabis farm with seeds include:

Bad germination rate

Not all planted seeds will germinate. Some seeds are inactive duds that, regardless of the cultivation practice used, can never germinate. Purchasing your seeds from reputable seed banks increases your chances of getting active seeds. To be on the safe side, it is always recommended to start a grow with more than one seed in a hole.

Longer duration

Starting with seeds means a longer time from the beginning to the end of the cultivation. Germination takes place between the first few days and up to a week. It will take another week or two for the plant to become a proper seedling. Add that the seedling could die or be inactive and the farmer may need to replant.


Seeds from the same plant have different genetic codes. As the plants grow, they show differences in their phenotypic properties. There are variations in color, taste, aroma, height and even yield. When using seeds, it is difficult to get results with consistent qualities.

Start with cannabis cloning

Clones or cuttings are obtained from an ordinary plant. They are always expected to be exact replicas of their vegetative mother plants. When a stem cut is obtained, the breeder must root the cutting before placing it in soil or hydroponic media.

The benefits of starting cloning are:

Zero variation

Clones exist as exact copies of the mother plant. A female clone produces a female plant. There is a zero chance of producing plants of different sexes as experienced when starting with regular seeds.

Less time spent

In the case of stem cuttings, germination is completely skipped up to the seedling stage. The only process is to root the clone and the plant is ready to grow right away.

Some of the disadvantages of starting with cloning are:

Hard to get

Unlike seeds, which can be bought online and at registered pharmacies, it can be very difficult to find stem cuttings from an actively vegetative plant. Especially for do-it-yourselfers.

If you live in a cannabis-free state, owning clones is illegal and shipping these packages can result in penalties.

They can be very fragile

Stem cuts require delicate care. A mistake on the part of the breeder could cause the clone to die before it takes root. All factors must be kept at optimal levels to ensure the clone’s productivity.

Bad qualities

If the parent plant has a bad trait, the clones will also develop their bad trait. Some of these properties only become apparent once some clones have been raised.


Growers who choose to use seeds prefer to go the long way. They wait for germination to the vegetation and flowering phase. Those who use clones use an abbreviated method because the clones are cuttings from the trunk of a mother plant. These cuttings just need to take root in the soil and pick up stages of growth.

Both new cannabis breeders and experienced breeders are learning and using both methods for future experimental purposes. All of this helps them to get maximum results on their agricultural plots.







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