Scientists finally have good news regarding marijuana breathalyzers
While drug tests can determine if a person has recently used marijuana, there is currently no way to measure if a person is high, which is becoming increasingly important as more states legalize the drug. But that can change.
Researchers at UCLA and ElectraTect, a UCLA startup, are testing a promising “cannabinoid fuel cell.” They believe further testing will provide them with important insights into marijuana breathalyzers that will facilitate their existence at some point in the future. The results were published in the journal Organics.
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The researchers explain that the device they’re working on is able to detect THC and measure its concentration in a solution, unlike previous efforts that measured THC in blood, urine and saliva. While body fluids show traces of the drug after use, these results are not indicative of current impairment, especially as THC can remain in the body for days.
“As such, there is a need for a fair forensic tool capable of detecting THC in the short window of impairment,” the scientists wrote.
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Researchers are trying to miniaturize their technology to increase its range and become a viable option for testing drivers on the go. The technology could be integrated into a traditional breathalyzer, resulting in a device that could test for both alcohol and THC in the future.
Late last year, a study out of Australia claimed that breathalyzers for marijuana, at least those that measure THC levels in saliva and blood, are inaccurate. As we reported back in January, researchers analyzed 28 studies of driving performance and levels of THC in blood and saliva and found the association between the two conflicting,” we wrote in January.
RELATED: What New Federal Investments in THC Breathalyzers Mean for the Future of Testing
A marijuana tool that measures THC impairment is critical to a fair and functioning marijuana justice system. It could help control and reduce the likelihood of accidents, promoting responsible cannabis use while ensuring marijuana users are treated fairly.
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