Researchers find CBD-like compound in South American shrub
Another active ingredient that researchers are calling a cannabinoid was discovered in another plant species that grows wild like weeds across Brazil, providing further evidence that the properties of the cannabis compound are not unique to any one species.
After cannabinoid-like compounds were found in several other plants outside of cannabis, the most recent was a psychoactive THC-like compound in the liverwort genus Radula, or the CBG-like compound, and five other cannabinoids found in Helichrysum umbraculigerum, or the wool umbrella plant . Other common plants may have similar properties.
A new CBD-like compound has been found, but unlike many of the plants mentioned above, this time it’s a true relative of cannabis and hops, belonging to the Cannabaceae family. And with THC restrictions making it difficult to extract CBD from hemp and the risk of hot hemp, this plant could completely eliminate that problem.
Researchers at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) announced that Trema micrantha — a species of plant native to Brazil and other South American countries — “can expand the use of cannabidiol (CBD) for medical purposes without legal obstacles.”
Chemical analysis revealed no THC-like compounds in Trema micrantha. But when it comes to CBD production, the plant could prove to be a game changer, as hot hemp with trace amounts of THC is a major problem for the hemp industry.
“It’s a legal alternative to cannabis use,” molecular biologist Rodrigo Moura Neto of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro told AFP. “It’s a plant that grows all over Brazil. It would be an easier and cheaper source of cannabidiol.”
what is Trema micrantha?
Experiencia Seeds reports that Trema micrantha, also known as Florida Trema, is a species of flowering plant in the cannabis and hop family, Cannabaceae. It is a fast-growing deciduous tree that can reach a height of up to 10 meters. It grows as a native plant throughout Brazil and is also found in other tropical and subtropical regions around the world.
Trema is known for its hardiness and ability to thrive in almost any soil condition, making it a common weed in urban landscapes. Most people consider it a weed.
In its natural habitats, Trema micrantha plays an important ecological role, providing fruit as a food source for a wide variety of bird species. It also contributes to seed dispersal and biodiversity. The plant’s rapid growth and dense foliage provide shelter for wildlife, while its roots are believed to help prevent soil erosion. In urban settings, Trema micrantha is often used in landscaping due to its appearance and ability to improve air quality by absorbing pollutants.
Science Alert reports that the results have not yet been released. Neto now plans to step up the study to better identify the best methods for extracting “CBD” from the plant and to analyze its effectiveness in patients with conditions currently treated with medicinal cannabis.
A new source of CBD?
The plant could prove to be a new source of CBD in a huge global market.
Neto’s team recently received a 500,000 real ($104,000) grant from the Brazilian government to fund the research, which he estimates will take at least five years to complete.
With the CBD market exploding, this is a new avenue worth exploring.
The global CBD market was valued at US$4.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach US$47.22 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 21.20% over the forecast period.
The CBD market is expected to grow tremendously as consumer awareness of health and fitness increases.
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