Republicans and weed, it’s complicated
Activists have been fighting for your right to smoke cannabis for years. As we begin in mid-2021, some might argue that cannabis rights activists won this war.
But do you really have that?
Is today’s legal cannabis landscape what freedom fighters envisioned of yore? Or do we see that a ban shapes the regulation of cannabis – much stricter than other more dangerous substances.
In this article we will take a closer look at what is happening in the international cannabis market and how legalization could very well be a “less restrictive version of the ban”.
Are Republicans the Last Drug Warriors?
It’s true – the cannabis ban has steadily declined over the past few decades. We can certainly see 2012 as the decisive shift in public opinion following legalization in Colorado and Washington. With these two states setting the precedent.
But despite the dramatic change of opinion, there were still some “old school drug warriors” between the will of the population.
In this Rolling Stones article entitled: Cannabis is the newest battlefield in the republican war on democracy. suggests that the “Opposition to Legalization” be a Republican effort.
While it is true that a large proportion of Republicans are more against the idea of legalizing cannabis, it is incorrect to assume that ONLY Republicans have a legitimate interest in maintaining the status quo.
Hell – Old PB (President Biden) himself is strongly opposed to allowing Americans to choose their own vices. “We need more research” is the official bullshit answer – but the truth is, if you build a career that fucks drug users and become president … you will still be “kind of a bitch.”
The best stance the president can take without offending his corporate sponsors, therefore, would be to propose “decriminalizing” or “de-planning” the official classification of cannabis under the Controlled Substance Act.
Of course – we know that a Schedule II regulation that PB is very happy to do – would only really benefit Big Pharma and would make it virtually impossible for “Mom & Pop Shops” to keep pace with the regulatory requirements of such a classification.
A listing on List II would essentially be a “shadow ban” on cannabis – which makes it technically “legal” but still comes with heavy fines, police powers, and a monopoly on all supplies.
And this is not a “republican conspiracy” – this is as blue as it gets!
What people should understand by now; the “left / right dynamic is a smoke screen” for the hideous corporatism that stigmatizes democracy!
… But the Republicans!
While republicans are promoting their moral philosophy and public outrage over the idea of “legalizing a drug,” they obey only one GOD. This is the GOD of money!
We can see a lot of conservatives the moment they start to see the dollar bills come in. Furthermore, the Republican ethos is “Leave it to the States” and while federally they are more against legalization, the recent surge in legalization efforts in the Red States suggests that there is a dissonance between representation and what is represented.
Prohibition has always been a bipartisan monster, and suddenly shifting the blame on is insincere. In Colorado, the latest attempt at draconian cannabis restrictions came from a Democrat.
MP Yadira Caraveo attempted to set an arbitrary 15% cap on THC products, with “mental health problems” and “youth consumption” being the motivation for this move.
On the other hand, why are you trying to enact an activity for adults and force them to abide by the rules for minors?
And even from a medical point of view, the legislature tries to restrict topics such as the access of young people across the board, if only these particular weak points need to be emphasized more strongly.
Still – both Republican and Democratic officials have tried to curb the expansion of the cannabis industry – either by directly attempting to “make it unconstitutional to ever vote on illegal drugs” as they attempted to invade Idaho.
The other form of prohibition is restricting access – causing high entry costs, exclusion of minorities, over-regulation, etc. – everything is spinning a new web … a version of legalization that was not what everyone imagined.
The most oppressed minority …
It was Ayn Rand who said, “The smallest minority in the world is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. “
Of course, Ayn Rand had numerous errors of thought and was an extremist in the truest sense of the word. However, the fact that someone with “cuntish beliefs” has once said something does not mean that what he said was not true.
In today’s society we need to understand that there is a delicate balance between the “tribe” and the individual. It’s a very fine line because when the tribe gets too powerful, there is oppression – and when the individual is above the law – then civil society begins to deteriorate.
These norms are constantly shifting, but with the war on drugs, the balance of power between “individual” and “tribe” has shifted one-sidedly in the direction of the tribe.
The police became an antibody against the “virus”, which in this case was “freedom of choice, expression and property”.
According to current policy, “The Tribe” has incorporated the idea of cannabis use, but wants to impose its restrictions on the individual due to other “perceived threats” to the tribe.
Put more simply, “The government’s position to ban cannabis completely is no longer in line with the will of the people, but that doesn’t mean that the paradigm of prohibition ceases to exist – it just suggests that prohibition needs to be adjusted and more restrictive in nature than become a hindrance.
Legislation is now becoming a tool of oppression. Overregulation becomes a means of preventing the individual from participating in a market that the “representatives of the tribe” consider unsuitable – but the tribe (society) has long since given up these ideals.
There is a dissonance between the current leadership and the will of the people. This lawful throttling of the cannabis industry is a means of legalizing legalization at its will – when it was the freedom-loving counterculture that hacked through the thick forest to pave the way for legalization.
Setting upper limits on THC and restricting adult choices based on the recycled fears of the Prohibitionists (a la Save the Children!) Is simply the Prohibitionists’ attempt to shape legality according to their will.
It is important that the individual is placed at the center of cannabis policy and not the state, nor the indefinable “children”, nor the police, nor the state treasury – but the will of the individual and his right to choose what he can and can don’t get stuck in their body.
This does not mean that the market as a whole does not need to be regulated – but what we see in the case of cannabis is that “regulation” does not seem to equate to more harmful drugs such as alcohol or tobacco.
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