Republican Congressman reintroduces bill to move cannabis to Schedule III

While many advocates are pushing for federal decriminalization and full designation of cannabis, one Republican congressman is pushing for simply downgrading cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III, which would allow for faster research progress and offer several other benefits.

Rep. Greg Steube (R-Florida) reinstated a bill as HR 610, or the Marijuana 1-to-3 Act, on Jan. 27, about four years after a similar bill was previously filed along with seven other bills, according to a news release .

The bill would direct the United States Attorney General to amend the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to move cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III of the Act within 60 days of the Act’s enactment.

The bill doesn’t go as far as others that would end the federal ban on cannabis through decriminalization or other avenues. However, the bill would protect federal employees who use cannabis, as only Schedule I or Schedule II substances are prohibited. It would also take some of the burden off cannabis companies affected by the 280E tax code and make research much easier.

Today in the 118th Congress I reintroduced 8 bills that:
☑️Remove special privileges for Big Tech & WOKE organizations
☑️Reduce taxes for Americans and stop their money being spent on cruel dog testing
☑️Hold our government accountable and improve efficiency

— Congressman Greg Steube (@RepGregSteube) January 26, 2023

Rep. Steube filed a similar bill on September 12, 2019, the Marijuana 1-to-3 Act of 2019, which would also demote cannabis from Schedule 1 to allow for more research opportunities.

“With marijuana legalized for medical and recreational use in the United States, it is important that we study the effects of the substance and the potential effects it may have on diverse populations,” Congressman Steube said in 2019. “By moving marijuana from a Schedule I controlled substance to a Schedule III controlled substance will dramatically expand research and study opportunities. With this rescheduling, researchers can now access federal funding to study this substance and determine its medicinal value.”

The congressman acknowledged that research on cannabis is currently being hampered under the current conditions.

“We hear about the positive health benefits of marijuana every day. Whether it’s young children with seizure disorders or veterans with chronic pain, it’s clear that marijuana has medicinal benefits, and I think it’s time we removed the red tape that prevents us from using this substance to examine thoroughly,” continued Steube.

The discrepancy between state and federal cannabis laws makes such a bill a step in the right direction, albeit a small one.

President Joe Biden led an administrative review of cannabis rescheduling options under the CSA.

Rep. Steube’s other bills, announced at the same time as the Marijuana 1-to-3 Act, include one that would strip Disney of copyright protection and specifically target what it calls “Big Tech” and “Wake.” organizations, according to the announcement.

“The Republican majority in the 118th Congress is working to make our government accountable to the people,” Rep. Steube said. “I’m reinstating eight bills that will remove special privileges for big tech and savvy organizations, cut taxes for Americans and prevent their money from being spent on cruel dog testing, and hold our government accountable while improving efficiency!”

MP Streube also takes a controversial stance on other issues such as transgender rights, pushing for allowing guns in airports and adding mandatory minimum penalties for drug trafficking. His 2017 bill would have called for tougher penalties for the sale, manufacture and supply of cannabis and other drugs.

On Jan. 27, the bill was referred to the Energy and Commerce Committee and the Judiciary Committee for a period to be determined by the Speaker.

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