Remember the time we got the whole family stoned on “vegan butter”?

Back then we got the whole family stoned on “vegan butter”…

When my brother and I were younger, we once got our whole family stoned. We made a stew in which a special herb was mixed. We didn’t even de-carb the weed, we just tossed it in along with some other spices and cooked for a while.

The family ate the meal which included my mother, aunt and sister – and of course my brother and I. Just before the proverbial shit hit the fan, I decided not to watch the episodes and escaped to a friend’s house.

My brother then sent me updates on how everyone was tripping over balls. It wasn’t until my mother called me crying and laughing that she asked me if the food was peppered… I didn’t say a word. I just told her that everything would be fine and that she just needed to relax.

I was a teenager – she was a grown woman and she was losing her shit.

That day I learned a valuable lesson that dosing people without their knowledge is an asshole. We finally confessed what happened and were rightly punished for our stupid act.

However, it appears that this is not an isolated event. Mark me surprised to come across a Reddit post where the Redditor explains how his family ate his entire stash of cannabutter.

The story goes…

This is probably one of the best threads you’ll ever read – so brace yourself… it’s about to come true. And it definitely jibed with the story I just told. Here we go; My comments are in bold

You can access the OG Reddit post here:

People my naïve mom used my CANNABUTTER for dinner with. Apparently we were out of real butter and she used mine thinking it was “vegan butter”. My whole family only eats chicken with high quality cannabutter. I have about 45 minutes before it kicks in. WHAT DO I GUYS?

If people don’t know they’re being dosed with a psychedelic – and let’s be clear, it’s definitely a psychedelic if you eat cannabis and especially “premium” stuff. 11-Hydroxy-THC is said to be 10x as potent as Delta-9-THC. In other words, eating it is about 10x more potent than smoking it, and depending on the quality of the weed, that could mean a seriously potent trip

The story begins…

Edit – sorry for the typo in the title, I was in a hurry.

Edit 2- Guys I know I can just come in and tell them. I’ll do it when it gets to the point where they freak out or something. I’m trying very hard to avoid them ever having to find out.

Edit 3- No folks I will not take it up and embarrass my family for karma.

At this point we can see that the OP is struggling with the moral dilemma of telling them they are drugged or letting them reach that conclusion themselves. If it was me, when I was 16 I’d shut up — but these days I’d let people know, “Shit’s about to go crazy…” and help them prepare for impact.

Edit 4- I think they’re starting to feel it. I still haven’t told them anything. I think I’m in denial about this whole thing.

Edit 5- My mom just asked me if there was something wrong with my vegan butter. I decided to tell her it was really old so they’d all think they had food poisoning or something.

You’ll find out later why he chose not to tell his mother that she gets flashed more than lightning in a dark sky.

Edit 6- I think my sister is sleeping. My father is in a kind of trance with a huge smile on his face. He doesn’t seem upset. My mother, on the other hand, is going crazy and wants to go to the hospital. My uncle keeps trying to talk her out of it (because nobody can drive so we would have to pay for an ambulance).

Edit 7- Wtf guys, my uncle is barely affected and laughs his head off every time he looks at me. I think he knows.

Something about the uncle tells me he’s a stoner…

Edit 8- BIG UPDATE. Ok, my uncle definitely knows. He noticed what it was as he ate it, but for some damn reason he didn’t say anything about it until everyone had eaten it. He confronted my dad about it, who said he had no idea my mom used my “vegan butter.” So my uncle told him what was going on, so my dad didn’t freak out. My dad is a little more liberal about drugs than I thought, apparently he smoked in high school but still didn’t get the taste. He’s the guy who likes Ronald Regan and Donald Trump, so I’m a bit surprised. My dad keeps trying to get mad and scold me, but the weed keeps him from getting angry for more than 30 seconds. My sister has locked herself in her room since dinner so I assume/hope she’s just sleeping. My mom, on the other hand (who has 100% never used drugs, including alcohol/coffee/cigarettes) was pretty freaked out. She has gone through an intense existential crisis. I can go into more detail on that later. She turns green at this point and has just thrown up. I hope she threw up some of the THC. But it may have already been absorbed into her body. My uncle did a pretty good job of calming her down and convincing her to bear it (she still thinks it’s food poisoning). Some of you do not understand that my mother cannot know that she has taken weed. It would make the situation 100x worse. I’ll keep you posted if anything interesting happens.

And there you have it, the uncle knew! Now that’s a plot twist. I think the experience with the father might actually have brought them together. I remember my dad saying to me after years of catching me with weed, “Don’t tell your mom!” As it turned out, he was wrong. At the age of 60 my mother took LSD with me. She was willing to change her mind, which is another lesson I learned — don’t assume your parents are as conservative as you think they are.

Of course, some people are trapped in dogma, and sometimes ignorance is best for their overall well-being.

Edit 9- Just to clarify everything

my sister was in her room all the time as she is no stranger to it after dinner so i think she is sleeping

My father knows because my uncle told him.

My uncle knows because he’s a fucking stoner

Mother is better, she is just lying down on her bed. She had a sort of epiphany about how boring her life is and how she wished she would never give up making art etc etc etc. She was ill for a while but seems better now.


Agreed, for some people it would rock their world. It’s probably best to continue to let her believe she had food poisoning or something similar. Maybe she could be told at some point, but in the meantime, her entire identity is based around Raeganisms…which means she’s pretty much wrapped up in the don’t do drugs mantra.

Edit 10- I really am number 1 in r/all.

Please let this be a warning to NEVER keep your medication in the family fridge.

Edit 11- I will try to post any aftermath/more details in a few days. Me and my uncle decided to eat the rest of the cannabutter. So I won’t update here unless something particularly crazy happens.

Edit 12- Ok guys, I added spaces between sentences, and no, I’m not vegan.

Yes, this is a cautionary tale – if you leave medication in the fridge, be sure to label it properly. A label like “THIS SHIT WILL GET YOU ZONKED!” would suffice. Also, don’t be an asshole like I was when I was young and dose people for “reasons”. There’s never a good reason to dose someone without their consent. I believe in the individual’s right to choose, and if you take that choice away from them, you’re kind of an asshole.

If you want to see the guy’s second post on Reddit, click the link here – The story ends on a tragic twist.




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