Reefer Madness Crowd discovers CBD with predictable results
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article belong solely to the author and are not necessarily those of The Fresh Toast.
First, let me acknowledge that I have “conflicts of interest” in this regard Subject (eexplained below). But did you know that cannabis is a “substance in marijuana”? Yes. There it is in the first line of a new report How Safe is CBD? from the National Center for Health Research.
I am desperately trying to find out if there is cannabis in ganja, weed, or G.race. Forgive the sarcasm, but here we go again.
Photo by Christin Hume via Unsplash
There’s a new group Consumers for Safe CBD, which is “a program of the National Consumers League. The National Consumers League (NCL) is America’s original consumer protection organization.”
That said, they’ve been around long enough to know better.
Here are yours 4 suggested solutions about their perceived problems with CBD:
Untested, unapproved CBD products can pose a growing public health threat. This is a rapidly growing consumer market made up of CBD products that, unlike prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, cosmetics, or foods, are outside of the scope of federal laws and regulations. Almost all of these products:
- Not scientifically tested for safety and effectiveness. (True, but see 10 Dangerous Drugs Recalled by the FDA. Also note that the FDA did not cooperate with cannabis testing under the marijuana ban.)
- Have labels that may or may not be accurate about ingredient lists and effectiveness. (Fraud is fraud.)
- May contain ingredients that have not been verified for purity and effectiveness by a reliable third party. Can? Yes.
- Are illegal under the Federal Law on Food, Drugs and Cosmetics. (Yes. Like medical marijuana?)
The FDA should warn the public about the dangers of unapproved, untested, illegal CBD products. So from December last year: FDA warns companies against illegally selling CBD products
Enforce existing regulations on labeling and ingredients
Incorrect labeling is common with CBD products. In a report to Congress for 2020, the FDA found that more than half of the products tested were mislabelled. And consumers who use unapproved CBD products run the risk of becoming harmful Impurities. Independent tests Of the 240 best-selling CBD products, 70 percent found they were contaminated with substances like lead, arsenic, herbicides, pesticides, and toxic molds.
The FDA should curb the proliferation of potentially dangerous unapproved CBD products by using their existing legal powers.
((Do they mean the FDA should ban CBD until the FDA can pull itself together ???)
Photo by BATCH of Wisconsin Hemp Scientific via Unsplash
The idea that unapproved CBD products only contain the “safe” parts of the hemp plant is not always correct. The FDA’s report to Congress found that nearly 20 CBD products tested contained THC. .
((Of course, all products should be clearly labeled, and this is already required by law.)
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) recently highlighted a study that found that 18 out of 84 CBD product samples tested had levels of THC sufficient to cause impairment . This increases the risk, especially for young children and pets. If THC is enough to cause poisoning or a positive result on a drug test, which has already resulted in some consumers inadvertently losing their jobs, it is clear that we need more testing and control.
((I couldn’t find any confirmation of this claim, but it would require consuming large amounts of high-THC CBD to produce a positive result on a urine test. Doubtful.)
SEE: Best CBD Brands To Try: Blue Ribbon Hemp – A Truly Tested CBD Feature
In addition, clinical tests of the only FDA-approved CBD drug provided scientific data showing that higher levels of CBD through cumulative use over time could potentially cause liver damage or toxicity. ((I think that’s dishonest. See: “Concerned About CBD Harming Your Liver? Here’s what the experts have to say. ” )
SEE: Nearly 200,000 Patients at Risk of Prescribing NSAIDs Show NHS Data
According to Healthline, “While experts point out that patients need to be informed about what they are getting and what the risks may be, the amount of CBD the animals have been exposed to is far higher than what most people would take.”
In the same Healthline article, Dr. Diana Martins-Welch, attending palliative care doctor at Northwell Health in New Hyde Park, New York: “Many people know that taking too much ibuprofen or Tylenol can have harmful consequences. CBD is no different. In general, therapeutic doses of CBD range from 0.5 mg / kg / day to 20 mg / kg per day. “
It is important to promote solid clinical research on the potential of CBD so that patients have more treatment options. The potential health benefits of CBD need to be better understood and optimized, which can only be achieved through clinical testing using scientifically validated methods.The rush of untested products is not good for public health and has deterred legitimate companies from spending time, effort, and resources developing products that could be FDA approved.
Photo by CRYSTALWEED Cannabis via Unsplash
To be honest, that’s complete nonsense. First, it would hurt the millions of people who find it helpful to keep CBD off the market until it was approved by the FDA. So In the land of the free, home of the brave, just shut up and suffer and die until your know-it-alls decide they have the time to see if you can use a plant that has been used as medicine for thousands of years .
In addition, the knowledge that cannabinoids might be helpful was not discovered by either the FDA or the pharmaceutical industry. It was discovered on the unregulated, forbidden, criminalized black market. The booming unregulated market hasn’t discouraged investments in cannabinoids. On the other hand. The pharmaceutical industry invests billions in cannabinoid research.
SEE: The strange case of GW Pharmaceuticals and the acquisition of GW Pharmaceuticals raises many interesting questions
The FDA should incentivize CBD research, clinical trials, and the creation of new CBD treatments that are science-backed and FDA-approved. Many people agree that CBD has the potential to improve lives, but research and clinical data are needed to move the industry in the right direction.
Now to my conflict of interest. Yes, I am in the CBD business. But I’m also in the CBD testing business. We started a company over a year agowww.RealTestedCBD.com to meet the very real need for more confidence in CBD products. We did it, motivated by the bad old profit motive, without getting approved or funded by the federal government. See: 5 important things To Consider before buying CBD.
Richard Cowan is a former NORML National Director and author of the comparison between CBD isolate and full spectrum CBD oil.
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