Reduce weed tolerance | show

If you consume cannabis on a daily basis, you know that THC tolerance increases over time. After a while, no matter how many joints are covered in a day, you won’t feel much or any effect.

Everyone’s experience is different, but sooner or later your body will become resistant to THC and you’ll need to take more and more to feel the effects.

Taking a tolerance break and stopping for a week or two is the quickest way to reset your THC tolerance.

But who wants that? The goal is to get high, and stopping doesn’t help.

If you’re looking to lower your tolerance without giving up weed, these options may help.

Change the way you smoke

If you’re used to smoking weed, switching to vaping can feel strange. However, it could be the key to a completely different experience.

A different consumption method may surprise your body and possibly get you high since your body processes the THC differently.

Dabbing cannabis concentrates is usually more effective than smoking weed since the concentrates are naturally stronger. Even eating edibles can severely affect those with a high tolerance who are not used to them.

The change doesn’t have to be forever, but it can be a good idea to switch things up from time to time and help reset your tolerance.

Microdose for a month

If you’re not ready to go cold turkey for a few weeks with a tolerance break, try lowering your daily THC dose.

You can skip two-thirds of your regular dose for a few weeks. It’s not easy, but it’s easier than getting rid of THC entirely, and you’ll soon see the impact it has on your tolerance.

Microdosing can be an excellent way to reset tolerance levels while avoiding uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

Using a vape pen or vape cartridges can be a great way to monitor and regulate your dose. If you prefer smoking weed, try replacing your bong with a good one-hitter or chillum as they have smaller bowls.


Many marijuana users have heard that exercising immediately after smoking can increase your high. But exercise can also have some long-term effects on your tolerance.

Exercise will improve your overall health and well-being, allowing your body to better distribute THC to where it’s needed.

While we don’t yet understand the science behind this, the fact remains that people who are out of shape tend to have a higher tolerance to THC.

Exercise burns fat cells, and THC is fat-soluble, so it stays in your system for a shorter amount of time. Exercise also releases endorphins, so it’s easier to quit smoking because you’ll feel better before you even take a hit.

Change your strain

Another thing that can have a significant impact on your THC experience is the weed stain you use.

If you usually resort to the same strain, it might be a good time to try something new. This can help you feel the effects more deeply than your regular strain.

This is especially true if you take mostly indica or sativa strains.

For example, if you always prefer indica when you’re lounging on the couch watching shows, swap her out for a sativa-based strain.

Indica and sativa develop different levels of tolerance, making it easier to use them together and rotate them regularly to maintain a lower weed tolerance.

Temporarily using a strain with a higher CBD to THC ratio is an effective but easier alternative to a full tolerance break.

Change up your routine

Humans are creatures of habits. Even when we don’t plan our days, we usually fall into a pattern of getting up, eating marijuana, and smoking marijuana at about the same time every day.

Changing your daily routine will give you a better understanding of when and how much you smoke.

If you want to get high with less cannabis, switching up your routine for a while can help.

If you’re not ready for a complete weed break, try one or a combination of the above methods to lower your tolerance and still enjoy the daily high.

Resetting your tolerance can really pay off and will help you get high with less weed, allowing you to hold your stash longer and save a few bucks.

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