Rare diseases crossword

The human body is super duper weird. It is a complex, intricate puzzle of functions coming together and creating life. Sometimes the most bizarre things can go wrong. Life is weirdly harder for the unfortunate people living with rare diseases. The worst thing is that you physically know something is going on, but most of the time you don’t know why. It can be difficult to pinpoint a rare and strange medical disorder because most people don’t know it exists…

Before we delve further into this topic, let’s see what you know about rare diseases. Try the crossword below and be prepared to think outside the box. It’s all about unusual diseases and if you don’t know the answer, you can find it in the puzzle below. Be amazed by this rare disease crossword puzzle!


Foreign Accent Syndrome is a true and extremely rare medical disorder caused by a brain injury or stroke. It is a speech impairment that occurs when the brain’s language coordination center becomes damaged. Recorded accent changes included Spanish to Hungarian, English to French, and Japanese to Korean.

sniffles or not?

Honeymoon rhinitis is a condition that causes you to get a stuffy nose every time you are aroused. There are small structures in our noses called shells that clean and humidify the air we breathe. It just so happens that they contain erectile tissue.

Here’s how the symptoms of this rare medical disorder come about:

  • Sexual arousal triggers the sympathetic nervous system and causes vasoconstriction.
  • Erectile tissue in the nose swells and causes a blockage.
  • Less blood flows to the nose because it goes to other places. So the traffic jam remains.
  • After orgasm, blood flow returns to normal and nasal congestion resolves.

rare medical disorders

Is my brain leaking?

Cerebral spinal fluid leakage is a very serious condition that carries a high risk of meningitis. It is highly treatable and 85% of cases clear up on their own within the first week. CSF leaks occur when the fluid that surrounds your brain and spinal cord comes out of your nose. Usually caused by a traumatic injury or genetic factors, a small hole forms in the membrane that contains this fluid. As a result, a clear, thin liquid drips from the nose, causing severe headaches at the back of the head. A CSF leak differs from a normal runny nose in two ways:

  1. If you wipe your nose with a tissue, the liquid will not stiffen.
  2. The runny nose is noticeably worse in certain positions, e.g. B. bending over to put on shoes.


Autobrewer’s Syndrome is a condition that results in intoxication after eating carbohydrate-rich foods. Also known as intestinal fermentation syndrome, pure ethanol is produced due to an excess of yeast in the person’s stomach.

This medical disorder sucks…

Fish smell syndrome, also known as trimethylaminuria, causes a person’s sweat, breath, and urine to smell like rotten fish. It is caused when the body cannot break down the compound trimethylamine. As a result, it accumulates in the body until it is excreted. Trimethylamine has been described as smelling like rotting fish, hot garbage, and rotten eggs; unfortunately, so do people with this condition.

Thanks for playing this week’s strange diseases crossword. want more? Click here for last week’s cannabis concentrate crossword!



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