Quick Ways to Deal with Cannabis-Induced Anxiety
Bad highs are common, but manifest themselves differently depending on the person. For some, symptoms may be physical, such as nausea or dry mouth. For others, symptoms can manifest as paranoia, stress, and discomfort. They all lead to anxiety, which can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t recognize it and take action.
A depressing high can be absolutely terrifying, but the side effects are never dangerous, especially if you stay calm. Remember, no matter how bad it gets, it’s all temporary and your attitude can have a big impact, good or bad.
Focus on your breathing
One exercise that always works when dealing with anxiety is breathing. If you find yourself thinking too much after smoking, take a few deep breaths and count the moments in your head. Place one hand on your chest and one on your stomach and breathe deeply. As you do this, focus on how your stomach expands and your chest stays still. This type of abdominal breathing is effective for bringing your brain into the present moment.
Put on some relaxing music
Photo by Oluremi Adebayo via Pexels
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Marijuana heightens all sensations, which is one of the reasons it is so great. But when it comes to bad highs, it’s especially difficult to stay present and rational. One thing that can help is to listen to relaxing and calming music while taking deep breaths. You can put on your favorite record or even something without lyrics, so it’s even easier to think too much.
Light stretching
If you’re feeling anxious and too high, an intense workout will likely stress you out even more. Calm music or a yoga video in the background can be helpful when doing light stretches to help you focus on how your body feels. Stress and tension are also held in the body, making stretching easier for you to relax, no matter how anxious you feel.
Take a shower or bath
Photo by Roberto Nickson via Unsplash
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Showers are a great thing when they’re high. When the water is warm, it can signal to your body that it is time to relax and unwind. If the water is cold, it can wake you up and jog your brain. Try both and see what works, but both options will certainly help you change your mood.
The oldest trick in the book is also the most effective. Even though sleeping is not convenient on certain occasions, it is the quickest way to get rid of a bad high, especially when you feel sleepy and lightheaded. If you feel a strong high and are with friends you trust or at your house, set an alarm and take a half-hour nap. You may not be fully recovered afterwards, but you will feel much better and prevent an anxiety spiral.
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