Psychedelic acceptance among college-aged adults is on the rise, according to new survey
Are we seeing the sputtering of the neo-psychedelic movement?
Recent polls show college-aged Americans drank less and consumed more psychedelics during the pandemic – as reported by Chris Roberts on Forbes.
They also smoked more cannabis – possibly as a coping mechanism for the stress and anxiety that came with lockdowns.
All of this data comes from the most recent Monitoring the Future Survey, which has been carried out by the National Institute of Health since 1976. It is typically the survey that the government uses to “understand what children are doing these days”.
Surveys hardly capture the “real picture,” of course, but in the context of the survey itself – it seems that the students were inclined to Netflix and bong rip rather than opening a can of beer or taking a few snapshots.
This could either be due to the nature of the lockdown – and that alcohol in this age group is usually more enjoyed in a group setting, or simply because alcohol has lost its favor with the community.
Reported alcohol use fell to 56 percent from 62 percent in 2019, with the number of college-age adults who said they were drunk in the last month fell to 28 percent, compared to 35 percent in 2019. – Forbes
The biggest shock to analysts, however, has been the increasing use of psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin.
The number of college students who reported using psychedelic drugs rose from 5 percent in 2019 to 9 percent in 2020, according to the survey. (For those without a college degree, hallucinogen use remained relatively constant, rising from 8 to 10 percent. ) – Forbes
Pandemic behavior or will it persist?
One of the biggest questions on people’s minds is: will this type of behavior continue after the pandemic? Places like Detroit and Oregon have taken steps to decriminalize the use of psilocybin, and institutions like MAPS are making significant discoveries with these drugs.
In addition, the trend towards microdosing mushrooms or LSD has increased in recent years.
While this may just be my opinion, I believe this trend will continue to grow in the years to come – especially as researchers begin to discover more benefits from these plant-induced experiences.
We already know that psilocybin has been shown to be effective for depression and anxiety, and while researchers recommend doing this under “therapeutic supervision,” the fact is that shamans and spiritual seekers have been using these substances for thousands of years.
A person who tries mushrooms and experiences a life changing event – will no doubt be open to more of those experiences.
However, unlike cannabis, these psychedelics rarely become a habit due to the nature of the experience itself. You literally sink into the “trip” for hours, making it a very inefficient way to dose macro doses on a regular basis.
In smaller doses, however, these substances have been shown to sharpen focus, open up creative processes, keep you energetic and emotionally stable.
I can imagine this becoming a more “regular” practice – especially among college students. Currently, many college students are abusing Adderall while studying – which is basically methamphetamine.
However, LSD can give you exactly the same “effect” in terms of concentration and focus, but it can also help you think more “non-linearly” which allows you to get more creative. While current planning makes it harder to track down these substances, growing mushrooms is incredibly easy.
Heck, you can also make LSA from seeds of Baby Woodrose and other plants.
However, because of the difficulty of the process, it makes more sense that psilocybin will be the “next trend” after cannabis.
It may be illegal to grow, but that hasn’t stopped anyone.
How can psychedelics affect society as a whole?
In the 1960s and 1970s, the psychedelic revolution changed the way we do things. It changed our music, our fashion, our morals, everything!
The difference was that only a small fraction of people did it. The next psychedelic revolution will be much more nuanced and science focused. We will have people doing microdose for day-to-day work and macro-dose for transpersonal exploration.
This will flow into everything they do.
The structure of DNA was discovered on LSD. Many of the apps you rely on on a daily basis are written by engineers who are actively involved in microdosing.
A psychedelic experience is undeniable. Many people say that through meditation one can achieve the same states, and while it is true that one can get to the “Ballpark”, it is never as haunting as smoking a bowl of DMT or taking a heroic dose of mushrooms.
These experiences stretch us beyond the concept of self and allow new thinking to take root.
I believe we will see major breakthroughs in many areas of society once psychedelics – whether macro or micro dosing – become a common practice. That’s not to say that everyone will take it, but when it becomes “something people do” or “a way some people get over depression” – you will start to see big changes.
What the future brings?
As soon as we begin to incorporate a higher current of psychedelic into our social norms, the future begins to take on a completely different shape.
Psychedelic is known to break down rigid thoughts about “how things are supposed to work” and incorporate a much more organic approach to life. What will happen when this penetrates science? Mechanical engineering? Culture?
What stories are we going to make up? What are the technological breakthroughs that will inspire it?
Personally, I think that in the right proportions psychedelics have the ability to bring a new awakening to society, to resolve the problems that hold us in the past, and to enable paradigms to lead us far beyond the stars.
Of course, there are always “private interests” wanting to control the psychedelic market of the future – and so I can only encourage you all to learn how to grow, how to make yourself – it is your birthright, after all.
If you were born on earth and have receptors to deal with these substances, then you are naturally designed to be immersed in these experiences. If you believe in personal choices – it extends to your own consciousness as well, and if that becomes the norm – the world will never be the same again!
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