Postponing marijuana isn’t enough

Why Marijuana Descheduling Isn’t Enough!

While Biden’s move to pardon federal offenders for “simple possession” is a good thing, it’s also a political stunt. Biden has some of the lowest approval ratings since Trump, and in fact both are the worst presidents the United States has ever had – by approval ratings.

While I commend him for at least rolling the ball towards legalization, I don’t think he’s done it as altruistically as people think. In fact, to me, with all the media spamming about Biden’s move, it’s more than enough evidence to me that the move was politically, not ethically, motivated.

Then Kamala Harris went to Late Night with Seth Meyers and said, “People shouldn’t go to jail for smoking marijuana” when she was sending people to jail for it when she was a prosecutor prior to her position as vice president;

Tulsi Gabbard pointed this out during the presidential debates;

“There are too many examples to give, but she jailed over 1,500 people for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when asked if she’d ever smoked marijuana,” Gabbard said.

“She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts compelled her to,” Gabbard added. “She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use as cheap labor for the state of California, and she fought to keep the bail system in place. That hits poor people the hardest.”
SOURCE: HuffPost

The fact is, for these people, it’s all about politics. They don’t really care about marijuana, they care about votes.

But I contend that the move now, while positive – is far from enough.

Repeal the Narcotics Act!

The Controlled Substance Act is an encroachment on individual liberty. It’s a document that says “you don’t own your body” and was the sole reason the US became the “prison capital of the world.”

It has been used to legally steal people’s property, imprison people for nonviolent crimes, and essentially create a “slave labor force”. It’s a document that gives Big Pharma sole control of all drugs and helped create the DEA, which became their “enforcers.”

The CSA is a document that upholds the pharma mafia, and if legalizing weed is a step in the right direction, I don’t see these politicians addressing the corruption of the CSA itself.

For the past 50 years, the whole world has suffered under this document. You could say “how”? The US is the #1 sponsor of the War on Drugs and because of this policy WOD has been outsourced to the world.

bottom line

While I commend Biden for taking a step in the right direction (even if he’s politically motivated), I can’t support them until they realize the havoc they’ve wreaked with policies like the Controlled Substances Act.

Don’t be fooled by cheap political tricks…this is babble and circus, and until there’s an overhaul of all drug policy…you’ll only get more of it. The only real reason Biden is only now making a positive move toward cannabis is because they fear Republicans will take power again in November.

When that happens, you get more of it.



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