Pickleball and Medical Marijuana – Did Seniors Who Use Cannabis Help Fuel the Pickleball Phenomenon?

Pickleball is by far the fastest growing sport in the United States today. Marijuana use is booming, especially among seniors, the fastest growing consumer group for medical marijuana. Conicidence?

Pickleball is an incredibly fun sport that people of all ages can play. It combines various elements used in badminton, tennis and table tennis into one exciting game that is also sociable and friendly. It’s easy for beginners, but those who are more advanced can easily advance to a more competitive game.

Pickleball has become an attractive exercise option, especially for seniors, and there are many reasons for this: it is good for hand-eye coordination, anyone can do it, and it is generally low in intensity. Because of this, it’s easy to see why seniors are so drawn to this sport and can play it with their friends!

According to the Tennis Industry Association, 1.15 million seniors (ages 55+) played pickleball in 2019, and that number continues to grow. The average age of most players today is 55 years old, although the sport can be played by all ages without any problems.

But other than that, it’s interesting to see how seniors are increasingly using CBD after a pickleball game. So the rising trend is that seniors aren’t just playing pickleball – they are playing pickleball and treating weed.

Why Do Seniors Play Pickleball On Weed?

Any type of exercise can be challenging for seniors. They are not as strong as they used to be and are prone to many age-related problems such as arthritis and bone and joint injuries. CBD is a non-psychoactive solution that helps you relieve pain and enable you to live a healthy, fit lifestyle without affecting your bones, muscles and joints.

It’s no wonder more and more seniors are using CBD as it helps them get more years out of their lives. They can move around and have fun without worrying too much about the effects of exercise on their bodies. Here’s more insight into the benefits of CBD for seniors looking to exercise:

  • Bone Health: Weak and fragile bones have a major impact on the exercise of older people. They are already at high risk of fractures due to poor reflexes, making them much more prone to falls compared to younger people. Even without regular exercise, seniors have to deal with the threat of osteoporosis, which gradually weakens the bones as old age is associated with the loss of minerals. CBD consumption has been shown to reduce inflammation in the bones, improve healing time for broken bones, and promote cell repair.

  • Pain Management: Much of the American population suffers from some type of pain, and many of them have arthritis as well. CBD is a great non-psychoactive way for seniors to manage their pain, and there are a multitude of ways they can do it. Topical CBD ointments for the localized treatment of muscle and joint pain, capsules and pills for pain prevention, oral CBD and much more. The ability to manage pain effectively is key to keeping seniors motivated enough to stick to a fitness routine and do sports like pickleball.

  • Better Sleep: Not only athletes but seniors are vital to recovery when you’ve closed your regular dose every night. Studies show that people who consume CBD have a better chance of getting better sleep at night and report more restful sleep. This is also beneficial for seniors who suffer from anxiety which can prevent us from sleeping well.

  • Delayed onset of sore muscles: Many athletes use CBD for its ability to treat delayed onset of sore muscles. No matter how old you are, you are prone to temporary inflammation from exercise, and seniors are even more prone to it. It’s part of recovery, but if the body can’t fix the inflammation on its own, excessive inflammation can lead to secondary muscle damage as free radicals are released from active neutrophils. However, CBD is already a natural anti-inflammatory substance that can provide tremendous relief to seniors after a pickleball game.

Given these benefits, we can understand how seniors are drawn to a lifestyle of health and fitness through the combination of cannabis and pickleball. It’s a combination that you can’t lose with: you can stay active with Pickleball and you have CBD to help you with the pain afterwards.







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