Oxidative stress affects cannabinoid receptors and mental health

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are two well-known gases that are constantly being exchanged in and out of our blood. And while oxidation is a dubious cause of inflammation and various chronic diseases. Oxidative stress induced by nitric oxide, a third gas critical for promoting inflammation where it’s needed, impacts cannabinoid (CB) receptors and mental health.

The endocannabinoid system drives homeostasis, which is a form of complete biological balance. And CB receptors — which respond to THC and change after a dose of CBD — regulate oxidative and nitrosative stress (redox signaling) with or without cannabis.

Cannabinoids, receptors and the third gas

CB2 receptor agonists are non-intoxicating and primarily target the immune system. Keep in mind that some neurological functions are controlled by CB2 receptors, most notably anxiety and addiction.

THC is partially a CB2 receptor agonist. However, to induce a high, THC targets CB1 receptors. Although not all CB1 receptor agonists cause intoxication and are more likely to result in therapeutic benefits. Instead, nitric oxide indirectly increases CB1 receptors and the genes that produce them. While CB2 receptors adapt themselves to different environments, e.g. B. be enhanced by immune-generated cytokines.

Oxygen has major long-term effects on biological systems. Unlike apples, however, vortices contain cannabinoid receptors that are affected by nitric oxide and oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress and the ECS

Cannabinoid receptors become more responsive and dense in the presence of oxidative stress induced by nitric oxide. Alternatively, other inflammatory enzymes break down endocannabinoids, which are internal fatty acid messengers that regulate the body.

Mental health impairments from oxidative stress and inflammation are therefore multifaceted. Endocannabinoids are likely used to naturally counteract nitric oxide damage, while the inflammatory gas keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy. However, in severe and unmanaged cases, excessive oxidative stress can eventually lead to schizophrenia by hijacking the endocannabinoid system.

ECS for the short-term oxidative stress and CBD for the long-term

Unfortunately, an increase in cannabinoid receptor density is a short-term effect of inflammation. Long term, destruction occurs when oxidative stress and inflammation become excessive and chronic or poorly maintained.

A meta-analysis (1) on the effects of nitrosation and oxygenation on the endocannabinoid system focused mainly on major depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. And CBD was included in the analysis for its potential therapeutic properties for similar mood disorders. This was due to the cannabinoid’s antioxidant properties, which are facilitated by CBD’s polypharmaceutical range of effects.

Let us know in the comments if you know anyone who has used CBD successfully for mental and mood disorders. And watch this story to learn how physical trauma affects endocannabinoids. And follow us @cannalifenet for the latest articles.


  1. Morris G, Sominsky L, Walder KR et al. Inflammation and nitrooxidative stress as drivers of endocannabinoid system aberrations in mood disorders and schizophrenia. Mol Neurobiol (2022).

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