No right or left problem

Why the US must legalize cannabis after Biden’s speech of disagreement

On September 1, 2022, the palpable rift in the social fabric of the United States could be heard. Two rabid dogs, one blue and the other red – teeth sunk deep into Lady Liberty’s sides, dragging her to opposite extremes.

What triggered that?

It was an ominous red light speech by President Joe Biden, in which he called out to literally everyone who had voted for Donald Trump or the “MAGA Republican” fascists. He called them a threat to democracy. He called her insane.

The people who blindly follow old Joe loudly praised it! “Finally a strong President who says what needs to be said!” they chant in unison. “If what he said offends you, you’re probably a fascist!” others echoed.

These so-called “fringe Republicans” who “live in the shadow of lies” and are “enemies of the truth” happen to be nearly 100,000 people in the country (if not more). While the vast majority of people who have voted for Trump in the past are not hardcore MAGA, there is a sizable fraction of people who are 100% on the Trump Train.

I do not understand why. Like Joe Biden, Trump is a cancer of society.

Perhaps it’s my inner anarchist babble, or simply my decades of peering into the sordid corners of government and its ties to special interests that makes me feel this way… but there are millions of people marching behind these relics of a bygone era. Who follow their orders and do as they say.

If it’s not the Orange Menace, it’s Angry Joe – and all of them are sucking the rock hard cock of “special interests” milking the average Jane and Joe for everything they’ve got. They borrow on your behalf and send the money to their private partners who play war games in Europe, and in return waive a small group of individuals on their ‘student debt’.

I’m not a fan of either the left or the right. I can’t fall into a binary mindset. I understand that people are nuanced and complex. We all have certain preferences and we’re certainly not our “group” when you meet someone on an individual level.

However, when I saw Joe Biden’s speech, with his red face and angry tone, condemning almost half the country, all I thought was, “This may not go the way he thinks it will!”

First, you immediately managed to further polarize the nation by labeling millions of people “fascists.” Second, by drawing lines in public space, you get people to choose sides. There’s a significant number of people in the middle who think you’re all a bunch of weirdos.

Perhaps most disturbing, however, is the hypocrisy in Joe Biden’s words. He speaks of fascism, but the definition is as follows;

A system of government characterized by a centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to tight government controls, violent repression of the opposition, and typically policies of martial nationalism and racism.

A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

Oppressive, dictatorial control.

In recent years, the Biden administration took advantage Centralized authority and tight government controls literally use Twitter and Facebook to quash opposition.

They ordered unconstitutional vaccinations and forced people to take an untested drug or suffer the loss of their livelihood. Don’t worry, Trump was there too… after all, he’s “Mr. Operation Warp Speed” and damn proud of it.

They all made millions and undermined our freedoms. And then Biden has the balls to call the opposition.

As I said, I’m neither for the left nor for the right. I don’t believe in any political affiliation because ultimately my highest ideal is “Governing yourself!”. Although I’m nice in society, I personally don’t believe in any party or government and think that the people who are currently in power are some of the worst people to hold those positions.

Nevertheless, this is not about my own views, but about what needs to happen now. Biden poured gasoline on dying embers and now there’s an angry public debate on Twitter that’s only polarizing people even more.

I don’t know if Biden did what he did out of malice or out of simple ignorance – but I doubt they are ignorant. It’s also no coincidence that it happened right as the November season of political shit begins.

All I can say folks, hold on to your hats! It could get turbulent!

In Case of Social Turmoil – Smoke This Joint!

Unless the US does something drastic like – legalize cannabis nationwide – in the next few months, I don’t see the societal anger abating anytime soon. People are still upset about the response to the pandemic, and now with this final split between the current administration and the Trump force preparing God knows what – things could get really nasty.

Known as the universal “chill-out” drug, cannabis could potentially be the “silver lining” most people need to keep from losing complete trust in their institutions.

One of the trending hashtags on Twitter was #NationalDivorce — which is actually not a bad idea. The United States has grown to such a size, with so many different views on how life “should be lived,” that it would make sense to decentralize power even more.

Instead of a unified country, the “common wealth of America” could be less politically polar. For now, however, this is just a pipe dream. We know that those in power would never accept a “national divorce” unless there is violence in the streets and those who want freedom have those who don’t want them by the throat (or vice versa).

Therefore, the ideal solution to stopping this madness would be a fundamental policy shift on an issue most people subscribe to – the legalization of cannabis.

Despite the polarization within the political spectrum, most people on either side of the equation can support cannabis legalization. It might be the only thing that makes people realize that there are still some common values.

If this does not happen – then the wet dream of the far right and the far left will come true – civil war.

I don’t know about you, but this doesn’t seem like the world I want.

But what can we do?

First, let’s unite people under a single non-political issue – weed. Let’s just let people have their individual freedom… they’ve been through so much in the past few years – that mark would be minimal compared to the casualties endured.

The other thing you can do (if you’re a voter) is show either your approval or disapproval in the November election cycle.

If you’re like me – the ones who don’t vote on their masters – then the best thing you can do is prepare for some turbulent times ahead. Whether this is artificial or organic is irrelevant, what President Biden did in his speech yesterday sent shockwaves around the world.

The way he presented himself didn’t make it any less menacing.

Sticky bottom line

Who knows what tomorrow will bring…but what I do know is that the whole US is “HOT!!!” right now. You motherfuckers need to relax. I recommend legalizing weed as a sign of good faith…but if it doesn’t – think hard about why you’re supporting either the left or the right.

I support people… the ability of the individual to express themselves fully. This goes beyond the binary paradigm. I embrace freedom as a way of life, and hearing authoritarian stuff like Biden and Trump’s speeches sends chills down my spine.

If you’re also concerned about the state of affairs, the doctor recommends taking three bong rips and chilling for a bit. Even if the road can get bumpy – that too will pass!

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