No Battery, No Problem – How to hit a vape wagon with no working battery

Cartridges have had a notable impact on the cannabis world. The convenience of dabbing on the go has made this consumption method hugely popular. You can easily purchase disposable wax cartridges. Just make sure they are from reputable sources and not shady black market sellers. In addition to the cartridge, you also need a battery. These batteries tend to be cheaper than cartridges and are easily sourced.

While some may have access to a wax cartridge, finding a compatible battery can be a challenge. It’s frustrating when you’re left with no means to enjoy your cartridge, as I can attest from my experience with a dead battery and a broken charger. But don’t despair! With a few everyday household items, you can still get the experience you want. It is worth mentioning, however, that a cartridge is an absolute must. Unfortunately there is no alternative to this.

A word of caution: As long as you follow the instructions carefully, everything is safe and secure. However, carelessness can lead to potential damage. If you have any concerns about the process, it’s best not to try at all. Instead, opt to buy a battery from a reliable source. Your well-being is of the utmost importance.


First, let’s explain what a cartridge is for those who may not be familiar. Feel free to move on to the next section if you already know.

The cartridge is a crucial component in vaping, right after the battery. A cartridge, also known as a “cart,” is a pre-filled glass container that contains cannabis oil or concentrates. Carts are usually sold in 0.5g or 1g sizes, come in a variety of popular strains and are loved for their potency and tasty vapor.

items you need

You need a few everyday household items to hit a cartridge without a battery. You will need the following:

  1. A USB cable

  2. Scissors

  3. nail clippers

First, find a USB cable that you no longer use – it will be cut off during the process. Next, arm yourself with scissors. Finally, get a nail clipper that doubles as a budget-friendly wire stripper. If you already have a wire stripper, that works too!

How to beat a car with no battery

Before you begin, a final word of caution: it is important to read and follow the instructions carefully. Although the process is straightforward, a single misstep could harm or cause harm to you or those around you. However, if you take the time to carefully follow each step, you will successfully achieve the desired result – a safe and upscale experience.

Step 1: Cut the cable

Make sure the USB cable is unplugged before you begin. Once you’ve confirmed that, grab your scissors and snip the cord. Cut off the end opposite the USB connector. For example, if you are using a charging cable, cut off the piece that you would normally plug into your phone. You can keep the cord short or leave it longer. It’s up to you. However, keep it long for added comfort.

Step 2: Trim the wires properly

After cutting off the top part, continue cutting around the wires without cutting them yourself. Instead, you should remove the rubber that surrounds them. There are two wires – one red and one black. Once you have successfully trimmed the rubber you should be able to manipulate and separate each wire. Cut the rubber about 2.5cm from the top of the wires, each wire should be about 1cm long.

Step 3: Expose the copper wires

Now it’s time to get your nail clippers (or wire strippers) to work. Use it to gently remove the colored part from the copper inside the wires. To do this, grab the tips of the two colored wires with your hair clippers and gently pull them upwards. Be very careful as carelessness can result in cutting the wire too short and you will have to start over. If all goes well, you should now have the copper wires exposed.

Step 4: Turn the cable into a power source

Finally the moment you’ve been waiting for! Plug the USB end of your modded cable into a computer or laptop (it says using an outlet can be risky). Once it’s connected, take the red wire and insert the copper end into the hole in your cartridge. Then take the black wire and touch the copper to a metal surface on the bottom of the cartridge. If you make contact, your cartridge should be fully functional and provide an amazing vaping experience!


Using a cut USB cable as a backup battery for your wax cartridge is a daunting task. Still, with a few household items and a bit of patience, it can be an easy fix to the frustrating problem of not being able to get high. Whether you forgot your battery or your old one died, this method is a quick and efficient way to get the job done.

However, it is important to always follow the steps carefully and be careful when handling the wires. Remember that safety should always be the top priority. So if you’re unsure about anything, it’s always best to play it safe and avoid the process altogether.

In the end, the satisfaction of being able to freely enjoy your wax cartridge is truly priceless. Whether you’re an experienced stoner or just a beginner, this method will come in handy for those times when you need a quick fix. So give it a try, and who knows, you might discover a newfound appreciation for the art of smoking.



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