NFL star Aaron Rodgers’ secret to success? Tripping balls on psychedelics made him a two-time MVP
NFL star Aaron Rodgers used ayahuasca two MVP seasons ago
Sports stars are our icons, heroes and role models. We look to them because we believe they can do the impossible. So when Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers acknowledges ayahuasca for winning back-to-back MVP awards, rest assured we’ve been listening. You may be wondering how true this is or if this is just clickbait, don’t worry, a full scope will convince you.
The month of August opened a new chapter in the popularity of psychedelics as Rodgers made the revelation this week. The star quarterback shared how he traveled to South America to take ayahuasca and how it tied into his success as the league’s MVP for two seasons. Rodgers credits the psychedelic brew with helping him change the way he thinks and improve his mental health. He shared all of this during an explanatory interview on the Aubrey Marcus Podcast.
Back-to-back wins as MVP earned Rodgers his third and fourth awards in 2020 and 2021. In his words, Rodgers stated that after the ayahuasca experience, he knew he would never be the same. He believes the psychedelic drug helped him find self-love and mental well-being. He was quoted by USA Today as saying the drug gave him a deep and meaningful appreciation of life.
When asked to comment on the experience, Rodgers explained that he went into the experience with a specific purpose. That was what pure love feels like, and that’s what he gained on his first night. He expressed the feeling as a magical sensation underlaid with a special, unique sensation. He likened this feeling to having over a hundred different hands on his body giving essence to him. He further explained that this essence felt like a transmission of love, forgiveness and gratitude to him.
For those who don’t know, we’ll provide a brief overview of what this psychedelic concoction is. Ayahuasca is a special psychedelic brew from the South American Amazon basin. The brew consists of various leaves and vines and is used in social and shamanic ceremonies. The potent psychedelic drug in the concoction is dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is known to have a potent effect of inducing vivid hallucinations and intense sensations. Ayahuasca’s popularity is gaining momentum as a psychedelic brew compared to popular psychedelics like psilocybin, also known as magic mushrooms.
A recent study was conducted by Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris from the Center Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London. The study, published in 2019, examined the brew’s psychedelic effects. The result of the study showed an effect on the brain waves caused by the brew. Researchers believed the brew stimulated brain waves to induce a sense of dreaming while awake. Much of this effect is linked to the effects of DMT, which remains a very intriguing psychedelic. Carhart-Harris described the experience of DMT as a near-death experience, or waking dreaming. A high dose of DMT is also known to produce intense visual vibrancy and depth of immersion. These effects are also reported to be higher than psilocybin, which is a more popular psychedelic.
Rodgers shared it all when he explained at length the effect the experience with ayahuasca had on him and his career. In his own words, the experience got him back on track and allowed him to focus on his work and gain perspective. This ultimately shaped how he approached things before him. He became freer to be the best he can be at work, at home, as a lover, as a friend, and as a teammate. For this reason, he attributes much of his success in 2020 to the impact of his encounter with ayahuasca.
When asked if the perceived relationship could have been the result of coincidence, Rodgers stated that he didn’t think it was the case. He explained that he chooses not to attribute things to chance. Instead, he chose to describe the feeling as the universe’s way of making things happen the way they’re meant to happen. Rodgers explains that the signs are always around us, waiting to see if we are conscious enough to notice and listen to them. He explained that it’s more like intuition peaking and pounding on that this is what you’re supposed to do.
Rodgers stated that his past experience with psychedelic drugs made him comfortable experiencing ayahuasca. He had also personally told the interviewer that one of the best days of his life came after an experience with psychedelic mushrooms. He stated that the experience took place on a beach and he felt himself merging with the ocean that day.
Rodgers believes that some of the possible side effects of ayahuasca are given too much importance. Examples of some of these common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and hallucinations. Instead, he believes attention should also be directed to the deep implications of promoting self-love and healing. Rodgers explains that this ayahuasca-inspired self-love was key to his mental health journey. He explains that ayahuasca helped him love himself unconditionally and this is the first step in helping him love others around him unconditionally as well.
From the testimony of NFL star Aaron Rodgers, we can see that ayahuasca is something special that deserves attention. There is currently limited scientific evidence on the psychedelic brew, but all of that is bound to change with testimonies like this. Until then, all we can do is rejoice for Aaron Rodgers and be grateful that he has had the experience he has had with ayahuasca. Hopefully this effect will carry over to some other sports stars striving for greatness.
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