New Yorker: The World’s Biggest Stoners – Cannabis | weed | marijuana
According to the 2023 Cannabis Global Price Index, New Yorkers are the biggest stoners in the world. The study found that New York residents use more cannabis than any other city in the world. Average price per gram is $12.50.
At the same time, Montreal has the best prices at $5.90 per gram. Tokyo and Dublin, where cannabis is still illegal, have the highest prices in the world.
But the biggest stoners in the world seem to be New Yorkers. The Big Apple consumes 62.3 tons of cannabis per year. Beyond New York is Sydney, Australia, where residents (illegally) use 45.8 tonnes of cannabis per year.
New Yorker: The World’s Greatest Stoners
Some might wonder if New Yorkers are the biggest stoners in the world. Especially when you consider that the California cannabis market is the largest in the world.
Also, Canadian connoisseurs don’t look to Quebec for free and fair cannabis markets. Whether it’s through home-grow bans, restrictions on edibles, or the government’s monopoly on retail, Quebec’s cannabis industry is a joke.
However, the 2023 Cannabis Global Price Index was released by CFAH and collected data on cannabis prices in 140 cities worldwide.
New Yorkers are the world’s biggest stoners, according to survey data from 140 cities.
“The legalization of cannabis tends to drive down prices in the market, with prices falling an average of 11.13 percent,” it said. “The price of cannabis per gram could drop to $5.61 in the United States in 2030.”
The report is based on data from surveys, the World Health Organization and the UNODC World Drug Report 2022.
The Skinny on World Cannabis
While New Yorkers top the list when it comes to the highest consumption rates (i.e., New Yorkers are the world’s largest hemp consumers), other insights may help you plan a canna vacation.
According to the report, countries with solid cannabis use rates, for example, are 30% more likely to have lower prices.
Portland, Oregon has the cheapest cannabis in the United States at $7 per gram. Outside of the US, the cheapest illicit cannabis is in Bangalore, India at $6 per gram.
The most expensive city in the US for cannabis is the District of Columbia, where you can expect $19.10 for a gram of cannabis.
Washington, DC joins cities in Norway, Russia and Finland in high prices. But even in legal Estonia or Israel, the price per gram is over $20.
Canada makes the list of cheapest cannabis strains five times. Montreal is number 1, followed by Notre Dame, Vancouver, Charlottetown and Annapolis.
Surprisingly, Kabul, Afghanistan has cheaper cannabis than Canada’s former cannabis capital, Vancouver. Likewise, prices in Madrid, Spain (where cannabis is illegal) are lower than in Portland, where legal cannabis is available.
The cheapest illicit cannabis in the US comes from the capital, Wyoming. You can expect to pay $11.20 per gram in Cheyenne, which is cheaper than Chicago and New York.
Likewise, “illegal” cannabis in Kansas is only twenty cents more expensive than legal cannabis in Boston.
New Yorker: The World’s Greatest Stoners
According to this report, New Yorkers may be the world’s biggest stoners, but they’re in good company. Along with New York, Los Angeles and Chicago are among the states with high consumption rates. But Sydney, Australia, leads the world in terms of illicit use.
Rome, Italy ranks second for “illegal” cannabis use, with residents consuming 21.9 tonnes per year.
Houston cracks the top ten despite only being partially legal, beating Toronto, Canada, where cannabis is legal.
Although Tokyo, Prague and Vienna are illegal in their respective countries, they round out the top ten.
If New Yorkers are the biggest stoners in the world, who is their opposite? The Mormon presence in Salt Lake City likely contributes to low consumption rates.
With a consumption of only 0.5 tons per year and partial legalization, Crossroads of the West is the lowest in consumption but not in price. The average price per gram in SLC is $9.30.
According to the report, some of the lowest rates of use in the world come from the United States, where cannabis is either illegal or partially legal.
Prices & Production
Of course, the CFAH 2023 Global Cannabis Price Index is not indisputable data.
As mentioned, they collected consumption figures from the World Health Organization. The WHO has of course proved inept and corrupt as it was before Covid, but now it is for all to see.
Likewise, the CFAH has crowdsourced prices per gram from city-level surveys. They also used the UNODC World Drug Report 2022.
Also, prices vary depending on the season. According to a government report on cannabis in Canada, “Cannabis prices in Canada vary by season, with prices being highest in summer compared to prices reported for spring, fall and winter.”
Much of this has to do with distribution costs. The same report found that consumers in BC, Ontario and Quebec (provinces with significant cannabis production) have lower prices than “import” provinces.
The Cannabis Global Price Index 2023 provides excellent insights into the world’s cannabis markets. But the be-all and end-all of weed data?
It’s unlikely that New Yorkers are the world’s biggest stoners. You just have a lot of people.
And there’s a reason Quebec has low cannabis prices. They produce a lot of cannabis and receive billions in federal money to stay in the country. This results in a cost-of-living subsidy, so Quebecers don’t feel obligated to vote for separation.
And it makes sense that “illegal” cannabis would be cheaper than legal cannabis since government taxes and regulations don’t discourage illegal production.
As always, the devil is in the details. Sometimes there is more to market prices than just supply and demand.
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