New to weed? This is the only guide you need
Entering the world of cannabis without guidance can be confusing. Most people learn through trial and error or with the guidance of a friend and mentor who is a guiding hand for most first experiences.
Luckily, marijuana has never been so easily accessible. Even if you’re alone and intimidated, there are plenty of places to turn to for information and plenty of options for beginners, whether interested in smoking, edibles, vaping, dabbing, and more.
what it does
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Marijuana has a lot to offer, but for starters, it’s a great tool for fun and medicine. People turn to weed to increase creativity, ease social anxiety, relax, exercise, improve focus, and more. The list is truly endless, with marijuana increasing your focus and fun, making your days more productive and longer.
Marijuana can also be used to replace habits that harm your body, such as drinking alcohol, smoking nicotine, and using opiates and sleeping pills.
Medicinal Effects
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Medical marijuana is supported by states across the country. Research suggests the plant can be used to control stress, relieve pain, improve appetite, help people manage ADHD and anxiety, and more.
It’s important to know that while many patients and doctors swear by the effectiveness of marijuana, there isn’t enough research on the subject to prove these results are definitive. The good news is that the negative side effects of marijuana, like dry mouth, dizziness, and blurry brain, are minor and temporary.
types of marijuana
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There are different types of marijuana and different compounds that are present in the plant. Sativa, indica, and hybrid strains are a category limited to the physical appearance of the plant, although many cannabis users swear by their effects and how different they are. CBD is a cannabis compound, but many people consider it a type of marijuana.
sativa stimulates the mind and senses and works best when combined with an activity such as indicas are on the other end of the spectrum and produce a relaxing and anxiolytic effect. Hybrid Strains are a mix of sativa and indica that produce mixed results.
CBD is a cannabis compound, like THC. Unlike the psychoactive effects of THC, CBD is primarily medicinal. It doesn’t produce a “high” feeling and results in long-lasting muscle, pain and anxiety relief.
How to consume
There are a million ways to consume cannabis today. While there are the traditional ways of smoking marijuana (pipes, joints, and bongs), there are tons of new options as well. With every new year comes new vape pens, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. L
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These are discreet and convenient, filled with cartridges that vaporize marijuana instead of burning it like joints and pipes. With a vape pen, you don’t have to learn how to roll a joint or how to pack a bowl. They produce instant effects that stay in your body for a few hours.
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Pot brownies, gummies, and all types of cannabis edibles purchased from pharmacies or vendors fall into this category. This method is discreet and takes time to affect you with the THC entering your system through the lining of your stomach. If you are a beginner, it is important to start off with a low dose to prevent a bad high.
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All balms, lotions, creams and patches fall into this category. Topicals tend to produce results that don’t get you very high. Instead, they are powerful medical tools that aid in pain relief, recovery from surgery, and more.
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These are cannabis extracts. They can be consumed through a vape pen or through a dab rig, and can be consumed in the form of wax, resin, and hash. When consumed via dab, the effects are strong and long-lasting.
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