New study just busted the myth that high-potency THC is bad
The accessibility to a fantastic range of cannabis is amazing these days. Consumers have hundreds of choices right at their fingertips: from non-psychoactive cannabidiol (CBD), mind-altering tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to get you high, pharmaceuticals and compounds of all forms for recreational and medicinal users.
There are also those who say that the weed on the market today has nothing to do with our grandparents’ weed. That’s true, but many criticize the potential dangers of high-THC cannabis.
Photo by Erin Hinterland/Pixabay
Finally, it’s common to see cannabis flower and oil products with THC levels averaging 20% THC in pharmacies, while the braver, more experienced consumers prefer concentrates that can reach up to 95% THC. These are not for the faint of heart or for those with possible mental health problems such as those at risk for psychosis and schizophrenia.
However, that’s not the only reason we should demonize the highly potent THC. It has many health benefits.
A recent paper, supported by data from Project Twenty21 (T21) in the UK, evaluated the quality of life of medicinal cannabis patients suffering from anxiety and chronic pain when given a high-THC cannabis flower containing 20% THC and 1% THC was administered. CBD ratio called Khiron 20:1 cultivated by Khiron Life Sciences.
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High-THC buds are the most commonly prescribed cannabis-based product for human medicinal use. These have been legal in the UK since November 2018 as approved by the Home Office for eligible patients. Smoking these flowers is forbidden, but inhaling them is allowed.
Data analyzed patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS) collected before and after 3 months of follow-up. They examined metrics such as health-related quality of life (HRQoL), sleep and mood of the patients. Meanwhile, they also measured disease severity using the Brief Pain Inventory Short Form and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-Item Scale.
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The researchers found that inhaling cannabis was effective in improving sleep and overall mood while reducing the severity of pain and anxiety. “Our results show that controlled inhalation of pharmaceutical-grade THC-predominant cannabis flos, Khiron 20:1, is associated with a significant improvement in patient-reported pain scores, mood, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and overall HRQoL in a treatment-resistant clinic population,” the researchers concluded.
Other benefits of potent cannabis
To be honest, many people are in dire need of the medicinal benefits of high-THC cannabis. The fact that each cannabis product contains more THC means more of it enters the bloodstream, resulting in stronger physiological and psychoactive effects. It also means patients can derive greater therapeutic benefit from disease. It has been proven to help countless people with severe and chronic pain, insomnia, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite and many more.
Additionally, studies show that THC is a neuroprotectant, meaning it prevents damage in brain cells. Over time, the quality and quantity of brain cells decreases, which can increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia and more.
Thousands of people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are also finding relief from THC products. Insomnia, depression, severe anxiety, nightmares, and agitation can take away from living a normal life, but THC has also been shown to help. By taking THC products, PTSD sufferers can finally experience some semblance of normal life.
On the other hand, it can also be used in your free time. Smoking or consuming potent THC products is highly relaxing and provides powerful stress relief without the harmful side effects of alcohol. It can even help increase creativity and help people train more efficiently.
Photo by Olena Ruban/Getty Images
Stop criminalizing potent THC
In summary, there is evidence of the benefits of high-THC cannabis. Of course, we reiterate that people with serious mental health disorders, such as psychosis and schizophrenia, are clearly not the best market for these products. But they work well for the others who take it.
Take alcohol for example. There are numerous brands of alcohol that contain high concentrations of strong spirits that can easily lead to alcohol poisoning. It doesn’t even take multiple drinks. Yet we allow these substances to be sold openly—in many cases even to minors—while demonizing high-potency marijuana.
Sure, even cannabis concentrates can be overconsumed. This is not ideal. But that’s why we need more education instead of criminalizing them or claiming that they cause mass hysteria and psychosis. Experts and scientists have determined that as little as 5mg of THC is enough to induce mild psychoactive effects in even casual or non-users; Only experienced recreational users should experiment with higher doses. Additionally, individuals prone to mental health issues are advised to work under the supervision of a cannabis-knowledgeable physician if they intend to use higher doses to treat specific physical, mental, or other conditions.
It makes no sense for medical professionals or healthcare providers to discourage people, including recreational cannabis users, from buying high-THC cannabis. No amount of THC can kill someone, but there should be an emphasis on responsible consumption. Sure, you could have an uncomfortable hit that lasts a few hours, but that’s why it’s always recommended to go low and slow.
For anyone wanting to learn more about ingesting high-THC cannabis for recreational or medicinal purposes, do your own research. Patients are better off speaking to a doctor. Don’t go it alone, especially if you think you may have a mental illness.
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and has been republished with permission.
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