New study further proves that THC has a positive effect on PTSD
A new study adds further evidence to the theory that THC has a beneficial effect on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The study, published in the journal Neuropharmacology and conducted by Wayne State University researchers, found that the combination of a specific form of therapy and moderate amounts of THC was particularly beneficial for people with PTSD.
Photo by Christina Hempfling/EyeEm/Getty Images
The researchers conducted a double-blind experiment with 51 participants. These subjects were randomly assigned 7.5mg of THC or a placebo pill and were kept under supervision and timed. Participants were scanned on an fMRI, with researchers regularly checking their mental status.
After consuming their pills, at the peak of THC effects, the researchers presented participants with emotional regulation tasks, such as showing participants triggering images and repeating them, with the aim of re-evaluating them and thus successfully regulating their emotions .
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The results showed that only participants who had consumed THC were able to reduce and manage their negative emotions. The compound also activated areas of her brain that are normally atrophied in people with PTSD. “THC may prove to be a beneficial pharmacological adjunct to cognitive reassessment therapy in the treatment of PTSD,” the study authors wrote.
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This study isn’t the first to find an association between THC and PTSD, but it is the first to see the impact of THC during cognitive reassessment tasks for individuals with PTSD, which is important. When patients are able to successfully reevaluate their emotions, they are more likely to repeat that behavior in the future, thereby reducing anxiety and negative reactions. This suggests that THC could become an effective way to treat these patients and improve their symptoms.
PTSD sufferers are some of the most vocal proponents of medicinal cannabis benefits, with many claiming that THC helps them with their migraines, panic attacks, and overwhelming emotions.
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