Need relief from stress and anxiety? Try watching a horror movie

For non-horror movie viewers, horror movie fans are strange people. They find it difficult to understand why anyone would enjoy watching serial killers stalk teenagers or a girl being possessed by a demon. But watching horror movies has a science that, when understood, comes with comfort and a sense of security. Watching scary movies is scary right now. After that it’s cathartic.

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dr Andrew Scahill spoke to Healthline about this popular phenomenon and discussed a bit about the history of horror and how experts who observe the genre have shifted their perspective over time. While they initially thought horror would affect people badly, especially children, today there are other schools of thought that offer different perspectives.

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“Today we have what we would call ‘surrogacy theory,’ which basically says that horror movies in some way allow us to control our fear of death by providing us with a surrogate experience,” explained Scahill. “Our body tells us we’re in danger, but we know we’re safe in those comfortable theater seats. Getting triggered in a safe environment can actually be a therapeutic process.”

In 2022, when there’s a lot to fear and worry about, it might sound crazy that people are watching more horror content, but it’s true. According to Business Insider, horror movie sales increased 194% in 2020 compared to the previous year. The most watched film was “Contagion”, which tells the story of a global pandemic. At the time, many experts argued that “contagion” gave people a blueprint for how a pandemic would play out in the real world.

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For some, horror movies offer a distraction from real-world problems. Coltan Scrivner, a University of Chicago pHD candidate, spoke to CNET and said that’s why many people with anxiety love horror. “My research has found that, on average, people with anxiety are more likely to be horror fans.”

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While the movies are stressful and put our bodies in a fight or flight state, many people feel safe because everything is happening on a screen, allowing them to use these moments as learning experiences so their bodies know how to deal with stress can better deal with a real situation faced.

You can’t force people to enjoy certain types of content, but if you’re feeling more anxious and stressed than usual, there wouldn’t hurt to try horror movies. You may discover a new quality about yourself and a coping mechanism for your real-life problems.

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