National Industrial Hemp Council commends Pres. Biden’s nomination to head the FDA
By Nicolas Jose Rodriguez
President Joe Biden reappoints former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Robert M. Califf as head of the agency. Califf, 70, a cardiologist and clinical trial specialist, served as the FDA commissioner for the last 11 months of President Barack Obama’s second term. Prior to that, he spent more than 35 years as a researcher at Duke University, where he helped develop studies for many of the world’s largest drug companies, AP reported.
“With the FDA considering many follow-up decisions related to vaccine approvals and more, it is vital that we have a steady, independent hand to guide the FDA,” Biden said in a statement.
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Califf was one of the first FDA officials to publicly admit missteps in the agency’s oversight of pain relievers like OxyContin, widely blamed for sparking the ongoing opioid epidemic now powered by heroin and fentanyl.
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The National Industrial Hemp Council (NIHC) praised the nomination as a necessary step towards new leadership in the agency that has given oversight of hemp products consumed.
“The Senate-approved leadership at the FDA will improve consumer safety for cannabidiol and prepare the pump to build a hemp economy that works for all,” NIHC spokesman Larry Farnsworth told Hemp Industry Daily.
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If approved by the Senate, Califf would oversee decisions that will affect the cannabis industry.
Califf hasn’t said anything publicly about cannabinoids like CBD.
This article originally appeared on Benzinga and was republished with permission.
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