Naps taken right can make a big difference

Weekends are made for napping, but if you do it right, it can make your week better too!

The body is a machine that requires fuel, maintenance and downtime. About 30% of people don't get enough sleep during the week, which can lead to problems during waking hours. Napping is often stigmatized as laziness, but often those who “judge” don’t give their own bodies enough time to rest, refocus, and energize for the challenges of everyday life. Data shows it's good for you and naps taken right can make a big difference.

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Every person is different and the body needs certain things to function. Sufficient rest is one of them. Healthy sleep is one of the American Heart Association's “Life's Essential 8,” its guide to improving and maintaining health. Naps can reduce fatigue, increase alertness, improve mood and performance, and improve memory. However, there are some guidelines: don't sleep too long, don't take a nap too close to bedtime, and the following important lessons.

Find out which nap is right for the moment

The National Sleep Foundation shares that there are three types of naps, each with its own patterns and effects. Scheduled nap, emergency nap and habitual nap. The first is when people sleep before they get tired, the second is when they nap because they are exhausted and need to, and the third is when they make a habit of taking a nap every day. Find the option that works best for you and your needs.

The nap should be short.

Productive naps last between 10 and 20 minutes. While we think the more sleep the better, the truth is that you can do a lot with a little. Studies show that a 10-minute nap can make people feel rested and prepared for the rest of the day. In fact, sleeping for more than 30 minutes can disrupt your nightly sleep cycle, which can affect your nights and your productivity. Set an alarm for your naps and schedule them for a specific time, especially if you sleep regularly and don't catch up on missed sleep.

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As soon as you are awake, start moving

Weekends can be used for lounging and lounging. Spend the whole day in bed or on the couch and always end up falling asleep. But these sessions can lead to blurry days where the hours fly by and you end up feeling exhausted. This means that you have trouble sleeping at night and are not rested. Days like these disrupt your daily rhythm. Naps work best when they are planned, with some activity and exercise before and after.

Develop a schedule

Going to sleep at the same time every night has many positive results and will help you stick to a schedule and develop better sleep habits. The same goes for naps too. “The brain would rather expect something than react to it. Napping is no different, which is why a scheduled nap always works better than a random nap in the long run.” This schedule shouldn't force you to take a nap every day, but rather help you nap more easily and to feel more rested. I hope you can use the tips to get the most out of your naps.

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