My top 5 reasons to be thankful this cannabis Thanksgiving
The best reasons to be thankful!
It’s almost Thanksgiving when people overeat, watch football, fall asleep and the next day go on a shopping spree! While some fight with their families, most people get together, share a meal, and feel good for a while.
And that’s good. There’s been a lot of heavy news in recent years, and a little “healthy goodness” wouldn’t go amiss.
During all Thanksgiving rituals, there comes a time when people say what they’re grateful for… and as we gear up for Thanksgiving, I want to say why the world should be thankful for weed.
That’s why Reginald Reefer is going to share some “reasons to be thankful!” today.
All the good music…
People probably don’t know that a lot of their favorite music was created by people who were stoned. You probably have a stoner or two to thank for coming up with one of your favorite tracks.
good medicine
Many people find relief in cannabis. It has helped people with addiction, pain management, depression, cancer, HIV/AIDS and a variety of issues. While “science” may not have all the answers yet, those who have found relief in the plant know that cannabis is good medicine.
Good times
How many good times have you had with cannabis? How many laughs have you shared? How many friends have you found? Cannabis is a good social lubricant and I’ve had some of my best times with weed. Something to be thankful for!
Clearing the headspace
Having “euphoria on demand” is a good thing. Sometimes when your mind is clouded by dark thoughts, cannabis can help shed some light in the darkness. Sometimes you just have to take a break from the bullshit to see the light. So thanks cannabis!
Good entertainment
Many films, books, and other art forms are made by cannabis users while under the influence. Any screenplay or series that you’ve enjoyed that was secretly worked on by a stoner – it’s cannabis that shapes the narratives.
Since cannabis was legal, many people have been employed. Some of them were hurt by the drug war itself. However, cannabis employment is one of the fastest growing sectors for job development, so thank you cannabis!
general culture
Cannabis has influenced culture with films, music, art, and publishing, and is even influencing politics and the media. There are puns that everyone knows and it’s ingrained in our culture… so thank you cannabis for preserving the “DOPE” culture!
what are you thankful for
These are just a few examples of how to be Dankful. Remember that today is Weed Wednesday or Green Wednesday, so stock up on some cannabis for the whole family. However, everyone has their own perspective on things. So I’m curious as to what cannabis has done for you that you say, “Thanks cannabis, you’re the fucker!”
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