Muscle cramps could be a sign of this condition
Cramps usually occur when we overuse a muscle, spend too much time in the same position, or are dehydrated. They can appear in any part of our body and are usually not a warning sign. However, in some cases, convulsions can be a signal of an underlying health condition and should be treated promptly, especially in extreme weather conditions such as a heat wave.
According to The Chicago Sun Times, the first symptoms of heat illness can be cramps and you should watch out for them in areas such as your calves, thighs, arms, or stomach. These cramps can occur before more serious symptoms, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion, and it’s important to treat them as soon as possible by taking shelter from the sun and staying hydrated.
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Photo by Fitsum Admasu via Unsplash
In very hot weather, your body depletes nutrients and fluids much faster, which can lead to muscle cramps. To treat these cramps and prevent them from developing into something more serious, it’s important to find shelter and hydration, possibly by drinking a sports drink that can replenish your lost electrolytes faster.
It is very easy to mistake a heat illness for simply feeling hot and sweaty. Cramps are a good indicator that the heat is taking an abnormal toll on your body and should be taken seriously as symptoms of heat exhaustion are likely to occur afterwards, including an atypical heart rate, profuse sweating, nausea, vomiting, and more.
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The best protection against very hot weather is not to underestimate it, which is not that easy. Prepare in advance by hydrating regularly and wearing appropriate clothing to give your body room to breathe and move around comfortably. Keep an eye out for symptoms of exertion and stop when you feel the heat is difficult to handle.
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