mosquitoes and marijuana
Summer is in full swing and some people are thinking of ways to fight a pesky bug. About 20 percent of the population register an above-average frequency of mosquito bites. A bite is generally not life threatening, but very annoying and the more bites, the worse the next few days will be. Smoke deters them, but what about mosquitoes and marijuana? And what about the itchy bites?
Not everyone is a target of mosquitoes. Only the females bite humans so that they can produce their eggs from blood. To locate their prey, females use their antennae and antennae, the organs between their antennae, to sense carbon dioxide and smell. That means people who have high metabolisms and emit more carbon dioxide are more likely to be a magnet. This includes people who are pregnant, exercising, or drinking alcohol. Perfumes and colognes are filled with the stuff that mosquitoes love, and their keen sense of smell catches up with whoever wears them, especially if it’s a floral scent. It really drives them crazy when you try to mask BO (something mosquitoes like) with perfume or cologne (something mosquitoes love). Both types of smells attract the pests, and perfume can actually make the attraction worse.
More research needs to be done on whether they are attracted to a specific blood type.
Smoke is a good insect repellent; The strong, distinct smell is unpleasant and unpleasant for insects, including mosquitoes, so they will try to avoid both the smell and the heat. Whether it is the smoke of a citronella candle, a fireplace or a mosquito coil.
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There is anecdotal evidence that smoke is an effective insect repellent, and the practice of ‘smoking’ rooms to prevent nuisance from biting mosquitoes is widespread. Mosquitoes have a problem with nicotine and tobacco, and they find cigarette butts somewhat repulsive. But who wants full ashtrays?
Cannabis is one of the few plants that repels mosquitoes when freshly grown in the ground. But like tobacco smoke, there isn’t enough evidence that they deter flying pests. And insects don’t have endogenous cannabinoid receptors, so they don’t even like being around smoke.
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The itch from a bite is caused by inflammation that our immune system creates on purpose. When we are bitten by a mosquito, our body becomes inflamed, which manifests itself as red, swollen, and itchy skin. Cannabinoids have strong anti-inflammatory effects and can therefore effectively relieve or stop the itching that occurs after a mosquito bite. So a good topical can help remove the strings and hopefully give you a comfortable time and a good night’s sleep instead of scratching yourself.
Photo by 41330 via Pixabay
Now that you know about marijuana and mosquitoes, wish you a bite-free rest of the summer.
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