More Than a T-Break: The Benefits of a Yearly THC Detox
How PassYourTest can support your annual abstention.
We here at Leafly pride ourselves on being cannabis’ most passionate advocates, but even our most dedicated daily dabbers agree that sometimes it’s good to take a break. Taking a break from your cannabis use for a few weeks can have numerous benefits that make the time spent sober worthwhile, although the prospect of giving up your favorite plant can be a daunting prospect. Making the effort to take a break is a popular New Year’s resolution, but no matter what time of year you decide to abstain, an annual THC detox can leave you feeling your best and your appreciation for cannabis after your triumphant one renew return.
To help you make your weed-free period as smooth and successful as possible, we’ve teamed up with our friends at PassYourTest.com to provide a guide on the benefits of abstaining from cannabis for a period of time and how the detox palette works from PassYourTest can help you on your way to reduced tolerance and refreshed enjoyment.
We’ve previously teamed up with PassYourTest to bring you our ultimate drug testing guide to help you get a job, but their all-natural products are good for a lot more than keeping you busy. PassYourTest detox kits support the body’s natural detoxification process, amplifying and accelerating some of the benefits of your yearly THC detox.
Before we explain the benefits of taking a cannabis breather, let’s dive into the science of tolerance and why taking regular breaks from THC can be advisable.
What is tolerance anyway?
Image courtesy of PassYourTest.
Contrary to what certain anti-weed propaganda may have tried to scare you with, cannabis doesn’t burst your brain cells to make you feel high like amphetamines, nor does it destroy the intercellular connections in the brain like alcohol .
Instead, cannabis acts on your CB1 receptors, which are generally responsible for your body’s homeostatic regulation. Taking a large dose of THC overloads your CB1 receptors to give that “rocky” feeling, overwhelming them and leading to the feelings of euphoria or relaxation we know and love.
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Like any part of your body that gets a lot of use, these CB1 receptors eventually tire and lose their sensitivity to THC. This means you need to consume more cannabis to reach your desired high level, with all the associated knock-on effects on your bank account.
The good news is that this desensitization is far from permanent. CB1 receptors are a bit like Rocky – they can keep getting back up, even after a few powerful hits.
Studies show that even daily cannabis users report a much lower tolerance after only a few weeks of abstinence from the plant, with no apparent long-term damage to these receptors. It’s important to note that we still have a lot more to learn when it comes to understanding the science of cannabis, but current evidence suggests that a T-pause of just a few weeks will bring your tolerance back down to a lower level becomes.
Other benefits of a detox
Image courtesy of PassYourTest.
While the idea of taking a break from cannabis so you can enjoy it even harder might suffice for you, there are a few other benefits of taking a short break from your consumption habits.
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If you prefer to inhale your cannabis through smoking or vaping rather than eating or drinking your weed, taking a break from your preferred method of consumption can have benefits for your overall health and well-being. While fewer studies have been conducted on vaping than smoking, doctors agree that inhaling foreign substances will not be good for you. Luckily, taking a few weeks off from detox can give your body a chance to recover.
You’ll notice another benefit of your temporary THC sobriety as you fall asleep. Many frequent cannabis users report greatly increased dream activity after a few days of abstinence. These dreams occur more frequently and appear to be much more vivid and engaging than those that occur when the subject returns to cannabis use. This correlates with an increased amount of restorative REM sleep, meaning you’re more likely to wake up refreshed. So grab it and enjoy the show!
How PassYourTest can help
Image courtesy of PassYourTest.
While PassYourTest has made a name for itself in helping cannabis users detox quickly in order to pass drug tests with flying colors, there are plenty of reasons to check out their suite of View detox kits.
The all-natural ingredients in PassYourTest products can help boost and speed up the body’s regular detoxification processes, meaning a detox kit can help kick your detox into higher gear. Removing excess THC from your system can allow your CB1 receptors to regenerate faster, and removing stored THC from fat cells can help heavy users get actively dreaming again.
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PassYourTest has two great options to help you through your period of THC abstinence. The 5-day extreme detox program is perfect for moderate consumers who regularly use cannabis or hemp products while the 10-day ultra detox program is for heavy, daily cannabis users and anyone over 200 pounds. Both kits include a pre-cleansing formula, a daily herbal capsule, and a handy guide to effectively planning detox meals at an affordable price. These kits support the natural cleansing processes in your body, helping to lower your tolerance and refresh your overall well-being.
Image courtesy of PassYourTest.
If you’re looking to give your tolerance and wallet a break, make a New Year’s resolution, or just want to reset your relationship with cannabis, occasionally hitting the pause button on your cannabis use is a great idea and PassYourTest is the ideal partner for yours Trip.
Taking one of their hardworking detox products can amplify your cleanse and make it more than just a temporary T-break. Try it for yourself today, because the sooner you end your THC cycle, the sooner you can return to cannabis triumphantly.
Image courtesy of PassYourTest.
PassYourTest.com offers reliable detox kits as well as same-day cleansing shots. As an industry leader since 2000, their products are guaranteed to work or your money back. On their website, you can view user testimonials, read FAQs, and read all about the science of detoxification.
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