Montanans have to activate to protect legalization in 2025

Montanan: It is time to protect your legal cannabis system from drug cartels.

In several new invoices, you have to collect your voice with your legislators and you know that you resist the cancellation of the cannabis legalization that a 62% majority of the Montana voters have approved.

Follow this link to register for e -mail notifications and to say the legislators of the state legislators that I am not with my cannabis rights. Share it far.

In Montana there are almost 100,000 cannabis consumers – the highest time has thought about the legislator to violate their rights.

What's wrong with Montana Legalization Repeal in 2025?

Every year, the Republican legislators try to give the legal industry illegal market dealers, including drug cartels, to give the legal industry. This year the new bills include ::

THC limited in every product with 15%

Cannabis blossom regularly test over 20%. Practically every extract and every vape are prohibited. The legislative template – the legislation 443 – was also written by illegal Vape dealers who sell undestested poison to children. Send your legislator an e -mail with the subject heading “Run SB 443.” In the body text, state that you are a voter in your district. Calls and texts are even better.

Practically every extract and every vape are prohibited.

A state observation list from Stoners

Another invoice – SB255 – would be invoiced by any recreational smoker 200 US dollars and registered with the state. Very orwellian. Send your legislator an e -mail with the subject heading “Against SB 255.” In the E -Mail position, state that you are a voter in your district. Calls and texts are even better.

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When should I talk about Montana's abolition of legalization?

The time is now.

“Industry -Advertising for Cartels” Invoice negotiation is February 27th, February 27th

The THC Cap Bill, which gives the legal industry to the cartels – SB443 – has simply come out and will first go to a hearing from the committee. The first hearing of the committee is one of the best places to suffocate it in the bud. Send these members of the Committee on Economic and Economic Affairs by e -mail.

“Observation list for Stoners' law will also take place on February 27th

The “Stoner Observation list of the Stoners' Bill – SB255 – also came out and goes to a hearing of the committee on February 27th. If only a few committee members can kill this bill for this year, they can be turned over. Send these members of the Committee on Economic and Economic Affairs by E -Mail.

Who tries to trample the rights of cannabis consumers in Montana?

A small squad republican legislature refused 62% of the majority of the Montanen who approved the legalization of cannabis. The list contains: The 25 CO sponsors on the Drug Cartell Gift Bill SB443.

The “Stoner observation list” Bill SB255 comes exclusively from Senator Greg Hertz. Senator Hertz took political contributions from police and alcohol groups in 2024.

Why does the legislator undermine the will of the people?

Because some politicians believe that they know better than the 62% of the Montanen who approved legalization. Although you are “small government” personal freedom and responsibility, you have put these values ​​aside. Some take money from police carbys. Others take money from supporters of the nanny state of the great government.

Why do Montana's Republicans write invoices to use illegal drug dealers including drug cartels?

Because you either do not know or you are not interested in the restriction of the lawful access to taxed and regulated cannabis transfers the industry to road dealers who do not test and not cards. They believe that America is better off with ban and war against marijuana.

Can Montana vote win this year?

Secure. Montana voters, activists and industry have already defeated a bad calculation to limit the freedom of speech in cannabis trading. House Bill 331 tried to choke cannabi operators because she spoke in public about marijuana. The legislator gave up the HB331 on February 6th. It will surely return next year – so supporters have to remain vigilant every year for poor bills like this.

Protecting the legalization of Montana is easier than winning legalization. All the voters have to do is to get your legislator to contain or skip an important committee committee, and politicians love not doing anything, according to experts.

So join in! We have found that cannabis is a gateway to all types of civic engagement. As soon as you know exactly who your representatives are, how to achieve them and see the results, it can be habitual!

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