Military veterans can use medical marijuana without losing entitlement to care and services

By Nicolas Jose Rodriguez

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans can use medical marijuana without losing their right to care and services, reported

In a post on the department’s website, the VA clarified that while marijuana use is still considered federally illegal, “Veterans’ participation in state marijuana programs does not affect eligibility for VA care and services.” VA providers can and do discuss marijuana use with veterans as part of a comprehensive care plan, adjusting treatment plans as needed.”

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Photo by Bumblee_Dee/Getty Images

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Veterans are encouraged to speak to their VA providers about medical cannabis, but clinicians in the VA cannot prescribe or recommend marijuana for medical purposes.

In the post, the department included a list of recommendations regarding marijuana and the VA.

Marijuana and the VA

  • VA healthcare providers record marijuana use on the veteran’s VA medical record to have the information available when planning treatment. Like all clinical information, this is part of the confidential medical record and is protected by laws and regulations pertaining to privacy and patient confidentiality.
  • VA clinicians may not recommend medical marijuana.
  • VA clinicians may only prescribe drugs that have been approved by the FDA for medical use.
  • VA clinicians may not complete paperwork/forms required for experienced patients to participate in federally approved marijuana programs.
  • VA dispensaries are not allowed to fill prescriptions for medical marijuana.
  • VA does not pay for medical marijuana prescriptions from any source.
  • The use or possession of marijuana is prohibited on all VA premises. If you are on VA grounds, federal law applies, not state law.
  • Veterans who are VA employees are subject to drug testing under terms of employment.

This article originally appeared on Benzinga and has been republished with permission.

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