Microdosing Cannabis – The Keurig of Concentrates – Cannabis News, Lifestyle
Is microdosing cannabis even a thing? Who wants a single milligram of THC? The THC limit for edibles and concentrates is a common complaint with Canadian legalization. Consumers tend to want higher THC concentrations.
But there is a market for microdosing cannabis. And a Toronto-based company is filling that niche. Djot, a division of Voyager Products Inc., has launched a pocket-sized cannabis concentrate dispenser that is guaranteed to give you an accurate dose of 1mg of THC.
They call it the “Keurig of Cannabis”.
What is microdosing?
Microdosing is taking a small amount of a substance for its benefits. Most people microdose on psychedelic hallucinogens like psilocybin mushrooms or LSD. When microdosing these substances, the stereotypical effects are nil.
People who microdose LSD or shrooms are not looking for a “trip” or any sort of mystical experience. Instead, they microdose like taking a dietary supplement. If a typical LSD dose is 100 mcg, then a microdose is closer to 5-10 mcg.
Why microdosing? Proponents say they feel more focused, creative, productive and energized. Others report improved cognitive function and more stabilized moods.
However, the most significant benefit of microdosing is what it can do for the brain. When you suffer brain damage, the brain repairs itself through a process known as neuroplasticity. Studies suggest that microdosing supports this repair process just as much as activities like yoga and meditation do.
The science linking microdosing of psychedelics to personal well-being and motivation is clear. But what about microdosing cannabis? Who Microdoses Cannabis Anyway?
Science behind microdosing cannabis
There is a segment of the population that prefers microdosing cannabis. And they’re not lightweights or “casual stoners”. Many people who microdose cannabis do so for health reasons. Others don’t want to get so high that they can’t function. A microdose is a small pull of a joint and then off to run your errands.
A 2020 study from Israel found that microdosing THC works as an effective pain reliever without the side effects of consuming larger amounts of THC.
This placebo-controlled, double-blind, multidose study, conducted at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, was published in the European Journal of Pain.
Researchers measured pain relief, psychoactivity, cognitive function, and blood THC levels. The authors concluded that “delivery of selective, significantly low, and precise single therapeutic doses of inhaled THC exhibits an analgesic effect.”
(In other words, THC is a pain reliever even in small doses).
They also found that microdosing cannabis “enables patients to achieve the optimal balance of symptom relief and controlled side effects, allowing patients to regain their quality of life.”
“We can conclude from the study results that low doses of cannabis can produce desirable effects while avoiding cognitive impairment, which contributes significantly to the daily functioning, quality of life and safety of the patient.”
Microdosing cannabis with the Djot Dispenser
The Djot Dispenser is easy to use and seamlessly adds the desired dose of cannabis to whatever you drink in precise 1mg increments. (CNW Group/Djot)
Enter Djot. This Toronto-based company has launched a pocket-sized electronic concentrate dispenser that guarantees precise dosing.
The device measures cannabis concentrates in 1 mg intervals. Because these are liquid concentrates, patients and recreational users can measure out their drinks accurately.
The company also offers “dPods” that deliver a micro-dose of cannabis oil. Using the device is as easy as using a Keurig coffee dispenser.
“Our proprietary, portable product is easy to use and seamlessly adds the desired dose of cannabis at precise 1mg intervals to whatever you drink,” said co-founder and president Arjen Melis. “The companion dPods are formulated to address everyone’s individual needs throughout the day: a boost between meetings or a relaxing remedy that becomes an evening ritual.”
Is the Keurig of Cannabis Concentrates Necessary?
Of course, you don’t have to wait until 2023 to buy any of these things. You don’t have to wait at all. You can microdose cannabis at any time. If you smoke two or three heads, pack one. If you like joints, only smoke half. And if you’re into concentrates, cut your dab into quarters.
Anyone can microdose cannabis. A device like dPods is a game changer for medical patients who need accurate doses and for people who can’t afford to accidentally overdose on cannabis on the go.
But for the rest of us? It will take some marketing to convince some of us that this is more than a gimmick.
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