Medical marijuana is facing a major positive change

The government and medical institutions have confirmed the medical benefits… but marijuana is about to give patients a big positive boost

Amid the discussion surrounding the Drug Enforcement Agency's (DEA) plans to reclassify marijuana, one area has not been highlighted enough. It will make a huge difference for millions of patients. Medical marijuana is poised to make a huge positive change and can make some people's lives much, much better. Most governments and medical associations recognize that cannabis can help with cancer, chronic pain, depression and anxiety, as well as nausea and sleep disorders.

Cannabis research has increased significantly at organizations such as Pennsylvania State University, UCLA and Harvard, but there is still much work to be done.

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One reason the change will be better is that it will allow the basis of the research, the plant itself, to be better grown to produce a high-quality crop. Currently, the plant is grown in Mississippi. The state still classifies it as illegal and has a significant and robust black market. Unfortunately, this does not provide enough skilled labor to ensure a high-quality product for large studies.

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The DEA has a contract with the University of Mississippi to grow marijuana for medical research purposes. The university grows marijuana for research purposes in a secure facility. The DEA's change will allow other research organizations with a larger network of agricultural experts with experience with the plant to provide up-to-date expertise.

Large companies like Curaleaf, which has a presence in several states, can help create a product that scientists can use as they learn more about the plant's uses and dosages. They will be able to help research facilities increase quality and quantity.

As FDA oversight of cannabis studies expands, researchers hope the rescheduling will make it easier to conduct large-scale clinical trials once they are approved, particularly decentralized clinical trials that allow participants to take their drugs home so they can incorporate them into their regimen.

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The reclassification will also help make medical marijuana less stigmatized for patients. It will put it on the path to federal regulations that could eventually lead to a reimbursement amount that would allow insurance companies and Medicare to offer it to millions more patients, especially seniors who have been slow to adapt.

While medical marijuana is not a cure-all, it can help with many problems and will benefit millions of people.

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