Maryland wants a repeat of cannabis legalization

The Maryland legislature has filed a referendum. A closer look at this measure reveals that it aims to change existing cannabis legislation in the state by 2022.

Del. Luke Clippinger, a competent and accomplished Maryland lawmaker, submitted this bill ahead of the first session of 2022, scheduled for January 12. The bill would legalize marijuana on midterm election ballots. The author of the bill, Del. Luke Clippinger, currently serves as the chair of a cannabis workshop studying the language of the bill. He also serves as chairman of the state’s Judiciary Committee.

Change in Maryland Cannabis Laws

The text was uploaded last Wednesday. The post said the bill aims to change existing cannabis legislation through the votes. Signs suggest that legislation, dubbed House Bill 1, will be a priority once the session begins.

House Speaker Adrienne Jones has laid out plans to ensure state lawmakers support the proposed reforms. He recently announced that she wants Congress to pass the law as soon as possible. He also added that a new cannabis working group will be set up by Summer to deal with other issues in the cannabis sector and its laws. He specifically stated that Congress would pass legislation in the first half of the year to authorize the legalization of cannabis for voters.

Once this law is passed, the next phase will be decided by registered voters. The measure will be included in the ballot so voters can decide whether or not to support the legalization of recreational cannabis in Maryland. If the vote is passed in November, lawmakers will begin enacting regulations to regulate the use, sale, possession, distribution and taxation of adult-use cannabis in the state of Maryland. If the vote fails, the process will begin again to either pass the measure through Congress or await the 2024 general election.

A push for cannabis reform

The first time this bill was mentioned was in August. The House Cannabis Referendum inquired about the progress of the legalization workshop and the outcomes of the meetings held. Members then examined a number of cannabis-related business licenses and how cannabis-related offenses were cleared. Other topics such as marijuana-related traffic laws, tax policies, as well as cannabis-related traffic laws were also discussed.

It’s worth remembering that Senate President Bill Ferguson said in July that the state was more than due for cannabis reform. However, he failed to back up his words by immediately accepting the referendum process. Instead, he chose to back a bill aimed at scrapping cannabis prohibition ahead of November’s election. Throughout the 2021 sessions, cannabis reform measures did not reach the voting stage.

The structure of this invoice

In March, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing to discuss the legalization bill, sponsored by Majority Leader Ferguson and other notable House leaders. This hearing came a few weeks after a House Judiciary Committee hearing on another cannabis proposal.

In October, the Cannabis Working Group held another meeting attended by federal drug officials. At this meeting, legislators were advised on legislative issues and the success of the referendum.

The next steps for cannabis reform in Maryland

As much as the majority of Maryland residents and proponents have pushed for marijuana reforms, at least two issues challenged the bill.

The first problematic part of this measure is that if the law were passed, it would still take about eight months to implement. This means that simple possession of the drug would not begin until July 1, 2023. This is slower compared to other states that already have cannabis reforms. A prime example of this is New York. Low-level ownership in New York was automatically approved once the reform bill was signed.

Another part of the contested measure is the lack of a provision that would require legislators to authorize personal cultivation of cannabis by Maryland residents. This is being pushed back as it is a vital requirement laid down in a draft referendum put forward by activists. Proponents had submitted this draft in hopes that lawmakers would model the bill after it.

In an interview, Karen O’Keefe, director of state policy for the Marijuana Policy Project, noted that supporters of the reform are impressed by how lawmakers have prioritized cannabis legalization; She added that the group is grateful that the measures will be approved in early 2022. However, she explained that this does not excuse the group’s disappointment with the language in the pre-tabled house referendum. She claims the referendum would only fuel the devastating war on cannabis until November, even after voters legalize the drug.

On behalf of the group, she urged lawmakers to reconsider the pre-filed measure and consider the proposal to allow home growing and ownership to begin once the law is signed. In addition to this request, she requested that whatever legislation is passed, cannabis legislation will be implemented; Racial justice must be considered. This would allow for a better and hopeful transition to a legal and safe industry.

bottom line

According to a Goucher College poll, about 67% of Marylanders support cannabis reforms. Only 28% reject the idea. This means that the majority is for the policy change. Lawmakers and attorneys have been working over the past year to ensure a cannabis reform bill makes it onto Governor Larry Hogan’s desk. In recent weeks, lawmakers have been trying to smooth out the differences between proposed cannabis reform bills in the House and Senate.

As it stands, Governor Hogan has shown no signs of opposing the idea of ​​decriminalizing and using cannabis. That’s good for the proposed changes.





Selling marijuana in Maryland


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