Marijuana users gain less weight than non-users

Over the last few months, a series of studies have slowly debunked the myth of the typical cannabis user – a stoner who tends to eat excessive amounts of “munchies.” Cannabis doesn’t make you lazy and the states where marijuana is legalized are the healthiest in the country. Additionally, a study from the University of Colorado showed how marijuana can motivate you to exercise.

A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology shows that people who use marijuana tend to weigh less. Omayma Alshaarawy, assistant professor of family medicine at Michigan State University, was lead author of the study. Their results showed that marijuana users generally gain less weight over time than non-cannabis users.

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“Over a three-year period, all participants showed weight gain, but interestingly, weight gain was less in those who used marijuana than in those who never used,” Alshaarawy told Futurology. “Our study builds on increasing evidence that this opposite effect occurs.”

“We found that users, even those who have just started, are more likely to be at a normal, healthier weight and maintain that weight,” she added. “Only 15 percent of chronic users were considered obese, compared to 20 percent of non-users.”

To conduct the research, scientists examined data from the National Epidemiological Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions while also examining the body mass index (BMI) of 33,000 participants, all ages 18 and older. When they compared the numbers, they found a two-pound difference between users and non-users, which Alshaarawy said is widespread given the sample size.

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How cannabis stimulated this type of weight loss in users is up for debate.

“It could be something that is more behavioral, such as someone becoming more conscious of their food intake because they are worried about cravings after cannabis use and weight gain,” Alshaarawy said. “Or it could be cannabis use itself that can alter the response of certain cells or receptors in the body and ultimately influence weight gain. More research needs to be done.”

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