Marijuana users enjoy more wink wink for Valentine's Day
Americans are expected to spend a record amount on Valentine's Day this year, even though the percentage of people celebrating the holiday has been declining for years, according to the annual survey released today by the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights & Analytics.
“The majority of Valentine's Day money is still spent on important other things, but this year there is a big increase in consumers spreading their love to children, parents, friends and colleagues,” said Matthew Shay, president and CEO of NRF .
“Those who take part are spending more than ever before and that could be the result of the strong economy. “As employment and incomes increase, consumers' options for a card or a box of candy seem to be increasing,” he added.
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Another study from St. Louis University in Missouri found that cannabis could improve your love life. Researchers surveyed 133 women who used cannabis shortly before sexual activity. Of the women surveyed, 68% said it made sex more enjoyable. In the same study, 62% of participants said cannabis helped them achieve a more satisfying orgasm.
Another study from Stanford found that women who abstained from cannabis in the past year had sex an average of 6.0 times in the previous four weeks, while that number was 7.1 times for daily cannabis users. For men, the corresponding value was 5.6 for non-consumers and 6.9 for daily users. This means regular cannabis users have 20% more sex than abstainers.
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